Saqqara And Its Step Pyramid: Information For The Visit

Saqqara is the main necropolis of Memphis, the ancient capital of Egypt. In it there is a construction that stands out: its stepped pyramid.
Saqqara and its stepped pyramid: information for the visit

One of the areas that are usually visited in Cairo is Saqqara, where the step pyramid is. Actually, this construction is the tomb of Pharaoh Djoser. In ancient times it was called “the most sacred.” In addition, it is the most important of the Saqqara necropolis.

The historical importance of Saqqara

Saqqara Necropolis
Saqqara Necropolis

Saqqara is part of the extensive necropolis of Ancient Egypt, which used to be located on the plateau above the Nile Valley. That is, the location of the tombs and pyramids that were built here was only at a certain time in the history of Ancient Egypt. . Let’s say it was a prototype of the later Egyptian pyramids that were built.

The desert plateau where we are is located north of the current village of Saqqara. There, one of the main cemeteries of the ancient Egyptian capital, Memphis, was built. This made for quite a few royal burials. The one in Saqqara is very long: 6 km from north to south, 1.5 kilometers wide.

The step pyramid

Step Pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara
Step pyramid

Without a doubt, the great attraction of the Saqqara necropolis is its stepped pyramid. It is the oldest in Egypt and the most unique due to its shape, which would later evolve into smooth pyramids.

It was built between 2649 and 2575 by order of Pharaoh Djoser. Imhotep was its architect, who would later be deified, becoming the patron of architects and doctors. And it is that with its 60 meters high this pyramid was the greatest construction made up to that moment.

How can we go to Saqqara?

Necropolis of Saqqara and pyramid of Djoser
Saqqara necropolis – intarachote kataleewan

There are several options to get to this necropolis. A common way is to take a taxi in the center of Cairo or at the door of the hotel. It is convenient to negotiate a rate for the full day or to visit Saqqara. The price can be around € 15 round trip. It is best not to pay everything on the way, to make sure that the taxi driver picks you up after the visit.

Another possibility is to go by bus, although it is more complicated. They leave from Cairo, but the problem is that it is a long and heavy journey. The vehicles make many stops and leave you in the town, not in the necropolis, so you would have to walk a lot. Therefore, it is not the most advisable.

It can also be reached by minibus, which departs from the Gizah metro stop. One of the problems is that you have to change minibuses because there is no direct one. The driver has to know that you want to go to Marishay and then to Saqqara. That is the way to know where you should get off to take the other minibus.

Already in the town of Saqqara, you could take a tuk-tuk to go to the famous necropolis or look for an alternative transport to get there.

Opening times

Friezes in the necropolis of Saqqara
Friezes in the Saqqara necropolis

Saqqara Necropolis is open every day from 8 am to 5 pm, the price is 80 Egyptian pounds. Once you are inside, it is best not to talk to anyone who does not have the official hallmark of this place.

If you need help, it is important to seek only authorized and accredited personnel. You should know that you can always run the risk of finding scammers who ask for additional amounts. What you must do is ignore them and continue walking in order to see the great history of this necropolis that will open before your eyes.

The truth is that the stepped pyramid is surprising, although it is not as famous as others. And also, the interior of the tombs is magnificent. It has nothing to envy to the tombs of the pharaohs of the Valley of the Kings that are in Luxor.

The recommendation is that if you travel to Egypt you visit Saqqara. But you must take into account the schedules and, especially, the way to get there. The taxi will be more comfortable, cheaper and faster. It will be better than making stops or changing buses or minibus, especially when there may be problems with the language.

So now you know, enjoy one of the most fascinating necropolises in Ancient Egypt and admire the step pyramid. It is really worth contemplating and discovering the history behind it. Good visit!

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