Sierra De Grazalema, The Great Wall Of Andalusia

Sierra de Grazalema, the great wall of Andalusia

The Sierra de Grazalema rises in front of the ocean, like a gigantic wall.  Its slopes are the shelter of small white villages, at the same time that they stop the storms that come from the Atlantic and that make this mountain range the rainiest place in the Iberian Peninsula.

The Sierra de Grazalema , a unique place

This massif is located between the northeast of the province of Cádiz and the northwest of the province of Malaga, including totally or partially 14 municipalities. A place of enormous beauty, since it is one of the steepest mountain ranges in the Andalusian community.

It is, therefore, a paradise for lovers of hiking and climbing, as well as for fans of adventure sports. Here they find astonishing escarpments, deep gorges and imposing vertical-walled canyons.

Corners of the Sierra de Grazalema

1 . The Sierra del Pinar

Grazalema – Judith /

Its highest height is the Pinar peak (or Torreón), at 1,654 meters.  The whole of the Sierra del Pinar is completed by other lateral ridges that form a closed river basin, a funnel that flows only northward through the Garganta Verde, in the direction of Zahara de la Sierra.

Access is restricted throughout the year.  Permission is needed to access the enabled trails, and access to the pinsapar area is even prohibited in summer due to the risk of fires. The uniqueness of the Sierra del Pinar is such that it is one of the reasons why the Sierra de Grazalema was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1977.

2 . The Guadiaro river valley

Sierra de Grazalema
Sierra de Grazalema – Williamxerez

The  Guadiaro River flows through the provinces of Málaga and Cádiz, leaving behind landscapes of enormous beauty in which more open areas alternate with narrow canyons with vertical walls. A valley of pools of crystalline waters, gorges and fantastic caves. 

In this valley, the Buitreras canyon stands out, a deep gorge with completely vertical walls that can reach 200 meters. In addition, as its name suggests, a colony of griffon vultures lives in this place.


Sierra de Grazalema
Sierra de Grazalema – Frank Lindecke /

Authentic heart of the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park. Here you can find fantastic gorges and karst formations of enormous geological interest. Perfect places for climbing and caving. From here, from the ports of Boyar and Las Palomas, you can also see some of the best views of the park.

4. Cupil Gorge

This is a gorge located in the municipality of Ronda, in the province of Malaga. A beautiful corner covered with cork and holm oaks where species such as the peregrine falcon, the eagle owl or the wild cat live.

5 . The Cat’s cave

Cueva del Gato in the Sierra de Grazalema
Cueva del Gato – Jose Sánchez /

The Gato cave is located between the municipalities of Montejaque and Benaoján, within Malaga. Actually this is one of the entrances to a whole speleological complex called Hundidero-Gato. A system with a length of 4 kilometers.

Inside there are chasms, siphons and rooms that in some cases reach 70 meters in height. During the first half of the 20th century, roads, passageways, suspension bridges were built and lighting was installed, although some of these facilities were destroyed during 1950 by the force of water.

The first settlers of the area lived in the Gato cave and during the 18th and 19th centuries it was a refuge for bandits. Today it is a perfect place for lovers of caving.

The Sierra de Grazalema is one of the places of greatest natural and scenic interest in Andalusia. A place that you can enjoy in a thousand different ways, simply by following one of its many hiking trails or practicing adventure sports in its canyons and walls.

But, in addition, you can visit the towns that plant this mountain range, among them, Grazalema, Ubrique or Zahara de la Sierra. And, a few kilometers away, the beautiful town of Ronda.

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