Surprise Your Partner With A Magical Valentine’s Day In Venice

Few places are more romantic than the Italian city of canals. Perfect setting for a very special day as a couple.
Surprise your partner with a magical Valentine's Day in Venice

Do you want to spend an unforgettable Valentine’s Day? Considered by many one of the most romantic cities in the world, Venice is the perfect place to enjoy Valentine’s Day. If you want to surprise your partner and make her fall in love a little more, read on, you will discover why you should plan this trip.

Venice, a magical city on water

Canal in venice
Canal in venice

Venice is made up of more than a hundred islands linked by more than 400 bridges. Beautiful, magical, impressive … The truth is that few words can do justice to this city.

Venice is all that and much more: it is a journey to another dimension, one in which you float instead of walking. And, as such, it has its own rhythm: calm and intense at the same time.

Every inch of the city, from its colors to  the water, the alleys and, of course, the gondolas, exude romance. This atmosphere of magic and love has made Venice the capital of Italian love and the perfect destination to spend Valentine’s Day.

Some of the essential visits in Venice

As you can imagine, in Venice there are many places that are worth visiting. Not for nothing is it one of the most monumental cities in the world. Surely a single trip is not enough to fully explore Venice, but it can be a good first contact.

Rialto Bridge in Venice
Rialto bridge

We are going to discover the places that you cannot miss if you visit the city for the first time. It is a perfect itinerary for a weekend.

  • St. Mark’s Basilica : one of the most beautiful religious temples in the world and the most important in the city. The views from their balconies are beautiful.
  • St. Mark’s Square
  • Grand Canal : the largest and most important canal in Venice. With its 4 kilometers in length, it divides the city into two parts.
  • Rialto Bridge : the oldest and most famous bridge in Venice.
  • Bridge of Sighs: it  is located near San Marcos Square. It connects the Doge’s Palace with the old prison of the Inquisition. It owes its name to the sighs of the prisoners who, as they crossed it, saw the sky and the sea for the last time.
  • Doge’s Palace: This Gothic-style building is one of the symbols of Venice’s glory and power.
  • Basilica Santa María de la Salud : it was built in 1631 to celebrate the end of the plague and its dome appears on most postcards of the city.
  • Ca’Rezzonico Palace: currently, it houses the collections of the so-called Venetian 18th Century Museum.

The 4 most romantic plans in Venice

It does not matter how many days you are going to stay in the city. To make Valentine’s Day an unforgettable day and enjoy it to the fullest, you have to follow (yes or yes) these 4 plans. These are the most romantic activities you can do in the Italian capital of love.

1. Gondola ride with serenade

Sunset in venice
Sunset in venice

Without any doubt, the gondola ride is something almost mandatory in any visit to the city. That is, you cannot leave without having ridden one of these classic Venetian boats, especially if you go on Valentine’s Day.

Navigate the beautiful canals while listening to Oh Sole Mio in the background and admiring the landscape with whoever you love most by your side. There is nothing more romantic, right? The perspective of Venice from the water, with that slow pace, will captivate you. A memory that you will never forget.

2. Explore Venice at night: a walk through St. Mark’s Square

At night the city transforms and it seems that it has gone back centuries in time. In addition, the dim lights illuminate the imposing buildings, making them even more beautiful. A perfect environment for a declaration of love, don’t you think?

3. Dinner cruise aboard a galleon, a perfect Valentine’s evening

Grand Canal in Venice
Great channel

Enjoy a unique evening aboard a Venetian galleon that will take you through the canals and the most charming places in Venice. It will be the perfect date to celebrate Valentine’s Day in style. Of course, keep in mind that you will need to book in advance.

4. Go to an opera

We recommend seeing an opera at the famous La Fenice theater or at the historic Palazzo Barbarigo Minotto palace. This second one is perhaps more suitable, since it is cheaper and a much more intimate place.

We hope you have taken note and are already planning a getaway to surprise your partner next Valentine’s Day. Without a doubt, it will be an unforgettable day.

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