Tarutao, A Pearl Of Thailand

Tarutao, a pearl of Thailand

The Tarutao Islands, in the middle of the Andaman Sea, are a secret corner for most tourists who come to Thailand. If you like adventures between jungles, mangroves and lonely beaches … this place is perfect for you. We invite you to know them in the following article.

Tarutao , more than an archipelago

In total there are 51 islands that make up Tarutao, south of the Thai coast, more precisely in the province of Satun. In addition to its wonderful landscapes, it includes a beautiful 1500 km² national park (of which 1260 are marine). Declared a reserve in 1974, it borders Malaysia and is an ideal place to learn about wildlife.

The underwater wealth of Koh Tong, Koh Adang and Koh Rawi is truly amazing. You can dive to observe corals as if you were in a pool.

Kho Khai in Tarutao
Kho Khai – Blanscape

If you do not dare to dive completely, no problem, since you can opt for snorkeling … you will have the possibility of catching a glimpse of no more and no less than a quarter of the world’s tropical fish. .. yes, they are here, in Tarutao.

Unlike other destinations in Thailand (such as the island of Phuket or the Phi Phi), Tarutao is reserved for those who know how to appreciate nature in its purest form. A few islands in the region are unspoiled and cannot be accessed. Those that are allowed are a paradise with all the letters. Peace of mind is the rule and not the exception here.

Jungle in Tarutao
Jungle in Tarutao – Stephane Bidouze

If you go a bit away from the beaches with crystal clear waters you will find dense tropical forests. Pay attention to the branches of the trees because there are the true owners of Tarutao…. the monkeys! Every morning they will wake you up as if they were an exact clock that you have programmed for the adventure to begin.

Tarutao and Koh Lanta

If you are thinking of traveling to Thailand there is a word that you must learn yes or yes: Koh. It means “island” and by now you will realize that it is more than necessary for your stay. One of the most beautiful “kohs” in the Tarutao complex is Lanta. As soon as you disembark there, you will be able to contemplate its immense beaches, the warmth and quality of its sands and the peace that is breathed.

Koh Lanta in Tarutao
Koh Lanta – Kim Briers

Everything seems to go slower in this place, chosen by backpackers who decide to get to know Southeast Asia with little money. But don’t worry if you’re not the “I sleep on the beach and hitchhike” type, since Koh Lanta’s tourist offer is for all tastes. h

It also has a national marine park to the north of the island, where you can enjoy a large number of terrestrial and marine flora and fauna. The rain forest and the mangrove swamp with coral reefs are the two scenarios that will fascinate you in this reserve.

City life in Tarutao

We are not going to say that things here are the same as Bangkok, the capital of Thailand (or important cities such as Chiang Mai), but it is worth learning about the customs of the people of Tarutao.

Tarutao – puwanai

The “sea gypsies” (chao leh in Thai language) or Muslim fishermen who live off what they catch from the Andaman and live in the village of Ban Sangka-Ou will catch your attention. They respect their customs for hundreds of years and work away from tourists.

To learn about Buddhism and Chinese influences in the area, do not hesitate to go to Old Town : wooden houses whose supporting piles are submerged in the sea.

More featured islands of Tarutao

If you head south of this archipelago you will come across the magnificent Phangnga Bay. The ferry trip takes 3 hours to cross several islands and ends very close to the Malaysian border.

Phangnga Bay in Tarutao
Phangnga Bay- Sorin Colac

When you go down between the waves of Koh Lipe (it does not even have a dock) you will not only be able to enjoy the pleasant temperature of the sea (which is around 25 ° C all year round), but also the dreamlike landscapes that will surround you … You wo n’t want to never leave there !

The two beaches that you cannot miss are Pattaya and Sunrise, where at any time you can do activities related to the sea. At night, bars, restaurants, shops and massage places (a must in all of Thailand) will finish shaping this wonderful Thai experience.

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