The 5 Aquariums That Will Make You Feel Underwater

The 5 aquariums that will make you feel underwater

Can you imagine being in front of a fish tank that actually looks like a real sea, where thousands of marine specimens live, even the most dangerous? Do you dare to spend your holidays observing a pond of 30 million liters of water or dive with sharks and manta rays? Those are just some of the experiences offered by 5 aquariums that will make you feel underwater. Do you want to know what they are? Then keep reading!

They combine technology with nature, modernity with the most basic of marine life. .. they offer thousands of activities to do and they are gigantic. Are here…. The most amazing aquariums that exist!

1. Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta (United States)

Georgia Aquarium
Georgia Acuarium – Matthew Paulson /

It is the largest that has been created so far and its construction has cost a whopping … 200 million dollars! In this fish tank of 38 million liters of water live about 100,000 marine species.

It also has a gallery of activities divided into three main sectors: research areas, entertainment areas and active participation programs, aimed at animal conservation.

If you dare, you can put on your wetsuit and dive or snorkel next to whale sharks, manta rays, etc. Not long ago they incorporated two beluga whales that are found in the arctic sea area along with dozens of seals.

2. Churaumi Aquarium, Okinawa (Japan)

Churaumi Acuarium in Okinawa
Churaumi Acuarium, Okinawa – cotaro70s /

It is the second largest in the world. Its large fish tank has a capacity of 7,500 m³ of water and there are 21 thousand animals (of 740 different species). In order to marvel at the whale shark, a specimen that is 20 meters long and weighs 12 thousand kilos, we simply have to approach the acrylic panel.

Do not worry! It is well reinforced and cannot be pierced yet by the great force of this animal. The dimensions of the “screen” are 8 meters high by 22 meters long.

3. Ushaka Marine World, Durban (South Africa)

Dolphins in the Durban Aquarium
Ushaka Mariena World, Durban – Villiers Steyn

After a walk along the beaches of the Point neighborhood, you can take a tour of the most impressive aquarium in all of Africa. A large ship’s hull awaits you at the entrance. It looks like it was taken out of a shipwreck and it holds thousands of treasures, stories and ghosts. It is just a fairly original design that catches the attention of all visitors.

But speaking of the aquarium in particular, we must say that it has 30 ponds that in total add 20,000 m³ of water. In them there are sharks, dolphins, turtles, rockfish and seahorses. Since you will spend the whole day contemplating the marine animals, you can take the opportunity to eat something in the Zulu gastronomy restaurant.

4. Aqwa Aquarium, Perth (Australia)

It is located in the west of the country. The pond is 20 meters wide and 40 meters long. Around 40 different species live in it. One of the aquarium’s biggest attractions is its 90-meter acrylic tunnel. You will be able to walk as if you were in the deepest of the seas!

It stands out in turn for being the one that groups the most marine species. Among them we can highlight the giant tortoises, coral reefs, rays and sharks. Its pools are cold waters from the south and warm waters from the north currents.

5. Aquarium Dubai (United Arab Emirates)

Dubai Aquarium
Dubai Aquarium – SF

As we are getting used to in this part of the planet, here everything is impressive and gigantic. The aquarium was not going to be the exception! It was inaugurated in 2008 and is located on the ground floor of one of the many shopping centers that Dubai has to offer.

About 33,000 marine species live. Among them, 400 sharks, manta rays and the star of the show: the sand tiger shark stand out. The main pond of the Dubai Aquarium is 51 meters high, 11 meters long and 20 meters deep.

Its capacity is 10 million liters of water. Impressive right? Thanks to its acrylic panel we can enjoy all the aquatic diversity. There is also a 48-meter walkway that allows us a 270 ° view at 11 meters from the ground.

Do you still want more? You can ride in glass-bottom boats or dive into the ponds while snorkeling. You can also go diving with sharks. One more amazing experience than the other!

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