The 6 Most Colorful And Spectacular Carnivals In The World

The 6 most colorful and spectacular carnivals in the world

When did these parties begin to take place? Nobody knows for sure. Some claim that they were already celebrated in the Egypt of the pharaohs, while others resort to an origin in Imperial Rome. In one way or another, what is clear is that it is a period of celebration that has been established for centuries and, perhaps for this reason,  carnivals are the most popular, spectacular and beloved festivals by people around the globe.

There is no population, no matter how small, that does not do a minimum carnival act, cold or hot. Since it must be taken into account that carnival takes place in the month of February and coincides with the cold of the northern hemisphere. That is not an impediment to celebrate in style.

The joy and color of the best carnivals

1. The Oruro Carnival, Bolivia

It is not the most famous carnival in the world, but it is surely the most peculiar. In fact, Unesco declared the Oruro carnival in 2001 as Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. But why? Because the carnival in this Bolivian city is truly unique and blends religious, pagan, pre-Columbian and Hispanic traditions.

Oruro's Carnival
Oruro Carnival, Bolivia – gary yim /

During the Oruro carnival, Mother Earth is honored, that is, Pachamama. The population dresses up, parades, dances, simulates struggles between good and evil, and all of this constitutes one of the most fascinating folkloric repertoires in all of Latin America, in which people of all ages and social conditions take part.

2. Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This is the most famous carnival. Here are given all the topics that we associate with these parties: costumes, feathers, sequins, samba, floats … Everything reaches its maximum expression in the Rio carnival and, above all, in the Sambadrome site.

Rio de Janeiro's carnival
Carnival of Rio de Janeiro – Phossil. /

In this space of party and fun, samba schools throughout the city develop their performances. These are the great protagonists of the Rio carnival, and in the preparation of each performance they invest months of work, rehearsals and money. Always with the aim of astonishing the rest, of impressing and having fun, in a competition that turns this party into a planetary event, attended by up to a million foreign visitors.

3. Venice Carnival, Italy

The Venice carnival is synonymous with elegance. In this case, the costumes are always warmer than in Rio, both because of the weather and because the carnival theme of Venice always goes back to the past, to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. For this reason, the city of the canals is transformed into a huge stage through which thousands of people dressed in period costumes parade, as if it were a painting by Canaletto.

Venice's Carnival
Venice Carnival – Tania /

In Venice, Carnival transforms the city for ten days. If you go, in addition to having a healthy economy (Venice is always expensive, and more at carnival) you must always wear a mask to enter the public balls in the famous Piazza de San Marco or the private parties that are held in the palaces on the banks of the Grand Canal.

4. New Orleans Carnival, USA.

Another American carnival, but now in Louisiana, in the southern United States. Without a doubt, New Orleans hosts the most famous festival in the country and one of the most important in the world. Also here the krewes or neighborhood groups begin to prepare the festivities months in advance  to always show off their floats with maximum splendor in the constant street parades.

Carnival in New Orleans
Carnival in New Orleans – Duncan Rawlinson /

The most famous day of all the carnivals in New Orleans, is Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday. But the days before and after are also unforgettable in a party that is dominated by the symbols that everyone knows (purple, green and gold colors that symbolize justice, faith and power), the food that is eaten in enormous quantities. and the black music that does not stop playing.

5. Carnival of Tenerife, Spain

Rhythm, color, music and overflowing joy flood the island, and especially its capital, during carnival. A fascinating and spectacular event full of costumes, floats and humor, by the compasaras and murgas who sing songs full of criticism and irony.

Tenerife Carnival
Tenerife Carnival – CANARYLUC /

The great parade and the election of the queen of carnivals are the main dishes. The aspiring queen dresses are simply amazing. Visiting Tenerife during carnival is synonymous with unlimited fun.

6. Cologne Carnival, Germany

Cologne Carnival
Cologne Carnival – Michael Welsing /

We are going to end the coldest carnival on this list, since it is celebrated in the German city of Cologne. There is quite an event, but not only the carnival itself, but all its preparation. The kick-off takes place every year on November 11 at 11:11 a.m. and lasts until Ash Wednesday.

During carnival week, parades take place around the city, and practically the entire population is very actively involved in its preparation. For a few days the city belongs to everyone and there is shouting, singing and dancing during the many parades on the peak day of the week, Carnival Monday or Rosenmontag.

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