The 8 Best Hiking Routes In The World

The 8 best hiking routes in the world

If your passion is nature and adventure, these hiking routes are for you. Discover some of the most beautiful and impressive places on our planet by doing these routes, ideal for experts and also for fans of “trekking”.

Hikers to the limit

Annapurna, Nepal

Hikers in the Himalayas
Nepal – Blazej Lyjak /

Annapurna I is the tenth highest mountain on Earth, both the entire massif and all the surrounding areas are protected within a nature reserve. All the peaks that make up Annapurna are extremely dangerous and only experts should attempt to climb them.

What is certain is that people who manage to enter this massif come to contemplate some of the most beautiful and impressive landscapes in the entire world. Many hikers dream of testing their limits in such an amazing place.

Himalaya, India

sunset in the himalayas
Himalayan Range – Dchauy /

The Himalayas are one of the most impressive in the world and a  favorite with hikers. Some of the most popular routes are those that leave from the city of Leh, Himachal Pradesh or the one that goes from Spiti to Ladakh. For any of them you will need around 24 days. Would you like to try it?

Quebec Mountains Trail, Canada

Malbaie River in Canada
Malbaie River, Canada – Olivier Juneau /

Hikers on this route will be able to enjoy some of the most beautiful scenery in Canada. Natural areas that give access to the Hautes Gorges de la Rivière Malbaie and Grands-Jardins national parks.

This route has 151 kilometers in which you can travel the roads, landscapes and enjoy the nature of the mountains of Canada.

The Inca Trail, Peru

Hiker in Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu, Peru – Gleb Aitov /

If in addition to nature you also like history, this route is for you. This is one of the most popular routes among hikers around the world. Although there are several options, the preferred one continues to be the one that goes from Piscacucho to the mythical Machu Picchu.

On the tour you will see some of the ruins from the Intipunku archaeological site. You will be amazed by the beautiful landscapes and you can also enter the rain forests.

One of the most impressive aspects of the Inca Trail is that it is just a small part of what it was in ancient times, when it reached a length of thirty thousand kilometers.

Nature and hikers

Grand Canyon National Park, United States

Grand Canyon of the Colorado
Grand Canyon, United States – BGS_Image /

The Grand Canyon, located in Arizona,  is one of the most famous and important tourist attractions in the United States. Usual route for hikers, you should never underestimate the grandeur of this magnificent place, make sure you visit it in a group and with the right guides.

Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica

Ecosystem of Costa Rica
Ecosystems of Costa Rica – lvalin /

Costa Rica is one of the Latin American countries with one of the richest ecosystems. Nature and wildlife are particularly cared for in this place, not in vain it is one of the countries most appreciated by hikers and lovers of ecotourism.

If you want to know the spectacular variety and biodiversity of Costa Rica, the ideal place to start is in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve.

Tiger Leaping Gorges, China

Gorges of the Salto del Tigre
Tiger Leaping Gorges, China – Lukasz Kurbiel /

The Tiger Falls Gorges are spectacular canyons located on the Yangtze River, in China. The entire canyon can be explored on foot, as it is kept in optimal conditions so that hikers can fully enjoy this natural wonder.

It is the deepest river canyon in the world. In 2003 it was declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in the category called “Protected Areas of the three parallel rivers of Yunnan.”

Milford Track, New Zealand

Hiker looking at the landscape
Hiker – THPStock /

This hiking route crosses a rain forest and a series of mountains whose landscape is a real delight for our senses.

Milford Track is the most famous hiking trail found within Fiordland National Park. During the entire journey you will be able to observe the most beautiful waterfalls, thick forests, lakes, steep cliffs and much more.

We still have a lot to explore and learn about our incredible and wonderful planet. One of the best ways to do it is by walking through some of the most beautiful places, it is sure to be an unforgettable experience. Hiking is a passion that you will not be able to stop practicing.

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