The 8 Most Impressive Waterfalls In Asia

Although they are not among the best known, in Asia we can also find waterfalls of great beauty. We are going to know some of the most spectacular.
The 8 most impressive waterfalls in Asia

Asia is probably the most enigmatic and exotic continent in the world. There are many reasons and reasons to visit one of its thousands of wonderful corners. Among them we can talk about mountains, bays, rivers and waterfalls. Precisely, we are going to know some of the most beautiful waterfalls in Asia.

They may not be the best known, in fact, among the waterfalls in Asia we do not find any of the highest on the planet. However, some of them are spectacular. We want to show you 8 waterfalls that will take your breath away.

1. Temurun Waterfall, Malaysia

Asian waterfalls, Temurun in Malaysia
Temurun Waterfall – Ultimate Travel Photos

On the Malaysian island of Langkawi we find the first waterfalls in Asia where we are going to stop. These are the highest in the country, with more than 40 meters of fall.

Very close to these we find the Seven Wells. They can be discovered through a beautiful and incredible excursion through the area, enjoying the tropical landscapes that this island located in the Andaman Sea gives us.

2. Gitgit Waterfall, Bali

Gitgit waterfall in Bali
Gitgit Waterfall – Tatiana Popova

This waterfall, located north of the island of Bali (Indonesia),  has two wonderful waterfalls over 35 meters high. They are also surrounded by a large tropical forest populated by wild monkeys.

The water does not stop flowing 12 months of the year, forming a beautiful lake in which to enjoy a bath, surrounded by the jungle vegetation of the area.

3. Detian Falls, China and Vietnam

Detián waterfalls in China
Detian Falls – shahreen

These falls form a natural border between China and Vietnam. This is because the river that feeds it with water, the Guichun, originates in China, flows through Vietnam and ends again in the Chinese province of Guangxi.

The waterfalls are called cataracts when they are large. These are more than 70 meters high, divided into three jumps, and more than 200 meters wide. If you are thinking of visiting these falls, the best time is in summer, when the river runs with more water and the falls are more impressive.

4. Ban Gioc waterfalls, China and Vietnam

Ban Gioc waterfall in China
Ban Gioc Waterfall – Phuong-Thao

Also between China and Vietnam we find the Ban-Gjoc Waterfall. It is more than 53 meters high on various levels. This is, said by many, one of the most impressive waterfalls in the entire world, flowing across two international borders, making it even more special.

It is true that both China and Vietnam have a lot to discover, and perhaps going to these waterfalls is not the first destination that comes to mind. But if you decide to make a hole in your trip to see them, you will not regret it.

5. Kuang Si Waterfalls, Laos

Kuang Si waterfalls in Laos
Kuang Si Waterfalls – Franck Zecchin /

In the beautiful country of Laos, in the middle of a jungle park, we find the Kuang Si waterfalls. Although they are impressive in themselves, perhaps the most striking thing is the spectacular fauna that we find in their surroundings. This, without a doubt, gives it an exotic touch that falls in love with everyone who goes there.

In addition, along the course of the river we find numerous pools in which to enjoy a bath surrounded by a unique and jungle environment.

6. Jung Falls, India

Jung Falls in India
Jung Falls – Nejib Ahmed

These falls are located very close to the Indian city of Tawang. They form a beautiful oasis in the middle of a lush forest located in the northwest of India. Without a doubt, you will find the most impressive photographs of waterfalls in all of Asia here.

7. Jog Falls, India

Jog Falls in India
Jog Falls – Amit Rawat /

We continue in India to visit the highest waterfalls in the country. They are about 100 kilometers from the city of Shimoga. Also known as Gersoppa Falls, they have a drop of more than 250 meters. They are undoubtedly one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Asia, mainly due to their reach, strength and power.

8. Cascades of Asia: Huangguoshu, China

Huangguoshu waterfalls in China
Huangguoshu Falls – 4045

Our tour of the most beautiful waterfalls in Asia takes us back to China, in front of one of the largest waterfalls in the country, and most likely one of the most beautiful. A waterfall that has a height of more than 70 meters.

Its name is due to a yellow fruit that predominates in the area and that forms a unique and incredibly beautiful image. In addition, the whole area is very interesting due to the many caves, natural pools and permanent rainbows.

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