The Ancient Trees Of The North Island Of New Zealand

The kauri is an endemic species to the North Island of New Zealand. It is a delicate species whose specimens are large: the trunks can reach several meters in diameter.
The ancient trees of the North Island of New Zealand

Kauri are the ancient trees of the North Island of New Zealand. It is a great and endemic species that is found in very specific parts of the island. Do not miss the contemplation of these specimens with centuries and centuries of antiquity and truly spectacular dimensions.

New Zealand’s natural wealth

New Zealand is a perfect destination for tourists looking for the most splendid nature or who want to experience outdoor adventures on their vacations. The incredible places in this country are innumerable. And today we are going to give you another reason to visit it: the kauri, the oldest trees on the North Island.

The kauri, the trees of the North Island

Kauri specimens

As we have said, the kauri are endemic to New Zealand, specifically the northern tip of the North Island. Huge specimens develop there. They have a considerable height and a trunk almost as wide as that of the redwoods of North America. In fact, there are specimens that reach 4 meters in diameter in its lower part.

But, in addition to their size, they also attract attention for their old age. There are trees on the North Island of New Zealand that could be as old as 2,000 years.

What remains of the old North Island trees

Trunk of kauri, one of the old trees of the North Island

Despite their longevity, the truth is that they are somewhat delicate trees. Therefore, you have to be very careful when visiting them. What’s more, there are strict hygiene rules to do so. To avoid contact with their roots, some are viewed from elevated steps.

This conservation policy is totally different from what was in the past. Some time ago, the trees of the North Island were highly prized and were cut down indiscriminately, especially during the 19th century.

Something logical, if we think that they have extraordinary dimensions, for example, to use their logs in the construction of houses or boats, especially as masts. All this, without forgetting its absence of knots and its beautiful color, which is why kauri wood was highly appreciated in the manufacture of furniture.

Kauri Coast

Walk in a kauri forest
Forest on Kauri Coast

For all that we mentioned to you, the number of specimens of these characteristic trees of the North Island decreased enormously. Currently, its presence is limited to a few forests in the Kauri Coast area, within the Nortland region.

Also, in Matakohe you should visit the Kauri Museum. It is the best place to discover all the peculiarities of this species and its intimate relationship with the colonial development of New Zealand. After this visit, the subsequent walk through the forests guarded by these gigantic trees of the North Island is much more enjoyable.

Waipoua Forest

Tree in Waipoua Forest
Four Sisters in Waipoua – easegill /

Without a doubt, the best place to see kairus is that forest. There are not only these trees, but also the taraire, the tawa and countless mosses and ferns typical of a dense, dark and humid forest. It is an almost fairytale forest, like so many other fantasy places in New Zealand.

The oldest of the North Island’s trees awaits you in Waipoua. It has his name: Te Matu Ngahere, ‘the father of the forest’, and two millennia of life contemplate it. This is the oldest, but not the tallest. That award goes to the Tane Mahuta, with more than 50 meters high.

These jewels are joined by others, such as the impressive tree called Yakas or the Four Sisters, which are four specimens that grow together. All of them await us along the perfectly marked trail that runs through the Waipoua forest.

Trouson Kauri Park

You will not see such huge specimens as in the Waipoua Forest, but touring its interior is rewarding. The walk will allow you to discover another of the largest and longest-lived endemic trees in New Zealand: the totora. And here you can still see one of the most charismatic birds in the country: the nocturnal kiwi.

In other words, the Kauri Coast may not be one of the most visited areas in the country, but it is clear that it is worth traveling there. Contemplating these forests dominated by the spectacular trees of the North Island is an unforgettable experience.

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