The Avenue Of The Baobabs: One Of The Most Famous Places In Madagascar

The baobab is an imposing tree, as well as being a symbol for the African population. We tell you some of the myths that surround it and where to find them.
The Avenue of the Baobabs: one of the most famous places in Madagascar

The Avenue of the Baobabs is a unique place that we can find in Madagascar. It is a path of about 260 meters that will take us to see some of the most incredible trees in the world. Will you accompany us to tour it?

What is the Avenue of the Baobads?

The Avenue of the Baobabs is one of the mythical places on the island of Madagascar. This is the fourth largest island in the world and is located off the southeast coast of Africa. How could it be otherwise, it houses some of the most incredible places on the entire planet; among them, this avenue.

It is a reddish dirt road that acquires this tone due to its high ferruginous content. On both sides we can find about 25 baobab trees, an endemic species whose age is surprising.

These trees have become a tourist attraction in the country, and not only because of their greatness and beauty, but also because the island’s inhabitants attribute them the leading role in various local stories and myths.

The life of these baobabs is between 800 and 1000 years of life, approximately. Some reach a height of 30 meters and a diameter of 11 meters. Their bark is very hard and they are the symbol of the hope of the African people, an example of the resistance of this continent.

Its fruits and leaves are part of the food of the population, and inside they accumulate water. In addition, they are useful for making medicines for both humans and animals. This is one of the main reasons why this tree is so appreciated.

Baobab specimen in Madagascar.

The most famous of all is the so-called “sacred baobab.” It is a tree to which they attribute at least 1800 years and to which many people pay homage with offerings of flowers, money or alcoholic beverages. In addition, at its roots is the grave of a great king who could speak with all beings from other dimensions.

The baobab, a tree of myth

The history of this tree is also full of beautiful myths. Among them, the myth of its existence, which is related to its large size, the particularity of its shape and a lesson in human behavior that is present in the vast majority of these stories.

Thus, the population of Madagascar says that this tree grew in such a way that it could touch the sky. His shadow was cast over the entire space around him and due to his size and power, he became very arrogant.

Therefore, the gods, annoyed with his attitude, decided to teach him a lesson by causing him to grow towards the underworld. How? Well, turning it around and leaving its roots out.

In this way, the inhabitants of this island thought that the trees continued to grow downwards, while their branches were considered their roots.

However, this is not the only myth around baobabs, as we find another that speaks of their appearance from two unified seeds. This is a myth that refers to the baobab of love, which the locals identify with two lovers who could not marry while alive because their families had arranged their marriages with other people.

The gods, taking pity on them, rewarded them by entwining them in this unique tree. For this reason, there is a legend that this tree gives luck to couples who visit it.

Beautiful landscape of a sunset on the Avenida de los Baobabs.

How to visit the Avenue of the Baobabs

This impressive avenue of long-lived trees  is located between Morondava and Belon´i Tsribihina, on the west coast of the island. To get there, you can choose two different paths that start from the towns mentioned above.

Thus, if you decide to leave from Morondava, you will have to travel 20 kilometers in almost half an hour by car. On the other hand, if you leave from Belon´i Tsribihina, you will have to cross the wonderful Manía River on a ferry.

The best times to visit this incredible avenue are at sunrise and sunset. At this time you will be able to contemplate a whole game of lights and colors that are formed thanks to the sun and the light that it transmits. It is a unique show, which will allow you to better appreciate the beauty of this place.

Visit Madagascar in the rainy season

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