The Best Cities To Visit At Easter

Whether you want to feel the religious fervor, or if you prefer a place to relax, there are perfect cities to visit at Easter.
The best cities to visit at Easter

The Easter holidays are a long-awaited holiday break, which also usually coincides with the beginning of spring. Of course, these are days with a clear religious character, since ancestral traditions full of art and feeling come out onto the streets of Spain. If you want to experience them in the first person, we show you cities to visit at Easter.

Cities to visit at Easter : Malaga

Christ of the Good Death in Malaga
Christ of the Good Death – Globovisión /

The truth is that practically all of Andalusia Holy Week is lived with fervor, and we could mention here a lot of towns and cities to discover it.

But we are going to start in the city of Malaga, famous for being the capital of the Costa del Sol, but which these days offers some of the most heartfelt processions in the country, and it does so continuously. Yes, from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday the spectacular processions do not stop.

Murcia and Salzillo

Procession of the Salzillos in Murcia
Los Salzillos – Pedro J Pacheco /

However, when talking about the ideal cities in Spain to visit at Easter, there are also other interesting destinations outside of Andalusia, and one of them is the city of Murcia.

There the processions are also very heartfelt, but, in addition, they are of a huge artistic category. Especially because of the steps carved in the 18th century by one of the most prestigious Spanish sculptors of Baroque art: Francisco Salzillo.

Zamora, an authentic Easter

Procession in Zamora
Zamora – Lars Nilse /

The whole of Castilla y León is tinged during Holy Week with an overwhelming atmosphere of religious passion, hardly comparable to that in other areas of Spain. To witness any of the processions of its towns and cities is something unforgettable.

In cities like Valladolid or Ávila, and especially in Zamora, the processions have an intimate feeling that can be moving, even for non-believers. Undoubtedly, all this can be one of the best expressions of the Castilian character, so different from the Andalusian.

Melilla, Easter with African touches

Procession in Melilla
Melilla – Miguel /

The Autonomous City of Melilla is somewhat different for obvious reasons, since it is located on another continent. But what is different must always be attractive, and that is why Easter in Melilla has some interesting and worthy of knowing characteristics.

The reason is none other than that it is most suggestive and inspiring to see how Christian processions are lived here with passion and respect in an atmosphere of coexistence of cultures and religions.

Easter in Madrid

Cities to visit in Samana Santa: Madrid
Puerta de Alcalá, Madrid – LucVi

To enjoy the Easter holidays you don’t have to be a believer, and you don’t even have to go to the processional steps. It is a vacation and everyone must do what they want. So it can also be an ideal occasion to do urban tourism to places like Madrid, since the capital is almost empty of Madrilenians.

For this reason, it is possible to enjoy the metropolis without many of the traffic jams and stresses that are characteristic of it in any other era. And, if desired, also through its streets you can see processions, some of them really massive.

Lanzarote, Easter on the beach

Playa Blanca in Lanzarote
Playa Blanca, Lanzarote – jonhoward /

We can say something similar for those who relate the Easter holidays with the expected arrival of good weather. Do not forget that many are eager to do outdoor activities, and even go to the beach and take a dip.

Well, to ensure good weather, an ideal place may be the Canary Islands, and more specifically, Lanzarote, which at this time is a magnificent destination. To visit at Easter and enjoy the beach, Puerto del Carmen, Costa Teguise or Playa Blanca are ideal.

We ended up in Seville

Procession of the Macarena in Seville
Procession of the Macarena – Manu Vilela /

And we return to Andalusia, to the most charismatic destination of Holy Week in Spain: Seville. A city that is worth visiting at any time, but especially on these dates,  when fervor and religious sentiment take over every corner.

You don’t have to be a Catholic to know that here the Madrugá lasts all night on Good Friday, that the Macarena is one of the most heartfelt and mournful steps in the city, or that the arrows of the most devout are capable of putting hair tip to anyone. In short, it seems obligatory to experience Seville’s Holy Week at least once in your life.

Traditions of Holy Week in Spain

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