The Best Spanish Food Restaurants In Madrid

Madrid is a good place to try Spanish food. There are countless restaurants in which to taste it. We are going to know three of them.
The best Spanish food restaurants in Madrid

There are many restaurants in Madrid faithful to Spanish food, but we are going to visit three that are really worth it. We leave the choice in your hands, but we are sure that with them you will not fail. Write down these Spanish food restaurants in Madrid, they are a real luxury.

Spanish food restaurants in Madrid : a pleasure for the palate

Surely just thinking about it makes your mouth water. Don’t worry, we don’t keep you waiting. We are going to know three of the best  Spanish food restaurants in Madrid.

1. Romola

Romola restaurant in Madrid

Its slogan is “The taste of freedom”, and it is the perfect restaurant if you are one of those who want to go out to dinner, but without being afraid of diet. The best thing is that on top of that you will be able to enjoy it, since there are more dishes than salads and that grilled fish.

They offer you other delicious novelties. There’s room for the glazed razor clams or the bimi fritters. All this without having to constantly be aware of calories.

This is healthy food, but delicious and really fun. This shows that it can be enjoyed without going against our health. They are low-calorie recipes, without added sugars, trans fats or refined flours, but with a high protein, fiber and the so famous omega 3.

In the menu, chef Jorge Reina, collaborating with Pronaf, a brand that is dedicated to educating in healthy lifestyles, has been advising Romola’s team on the best ingredients to bring that much appreciated nutritional contribution to their recipes.

In addition to the menu itself, the place has its charm. Designed by the studio of the architect Andrés Jaque, it is a spacious and bright place, but at the same time warm. Here the kitchen is in public view on the ground floor, so that the visitor can see the great work that is done when preparing the dishes.

2. The Pig Factory

Dish from the La Porcería restaurant in Madrid

What is peculiar about this second restaurant is that it is dedicated to pork and its products. It may seem somewhat risky, but it is an animal whose meat, with a little creativity, allows you to prepare delicious dishes.

Located in the Salamanca district, La Porcería is not a large restaurant, on the contrary, it has few tables on the upper floor and there are no more than 10 on the ground floor. All of this does not prevent it from being decorated with enough taste and humor. The touch of white and light wood accompanied by nice drawings is great.

3. Los Delgado Tavern

Los Delgado tavern to eat Spanish food in Madrid

Many appreciate modern cuisine. They want to try new things and for experimentation to be the protagonist at the table. But sometimes you look for the food of a lifetime. Those dishes that have not invented anything, but that surprise by how good they taste. In the Tavern the Delgado will know how to do it. They will win your stomach from the first bite.

We are facing a highly traditional and also rogue food, as their slogan says. These two words are what summarize his philosophy. In the traditional sense, it is clear that there are few things more Madrilenian than a stew broth. Scoundrel because you don’t need to have a fancy restaurant to be able to taste some good dishes.

It has an uninterrupted schedule from noon to midnight, which lasts until 2 on weekends and Thursdays.

Really the best thing about this place is its kitchen, where we can see how seasonal organic products and the great creativity of David Delgado come together. This cook opted for a menu that was not too long, but it was complete. It has some dishes that make one always want to return.

We hope that after knowing these three Spanish food restaurants in Madrid you will be encouraged to visit them. The Spanish capital is an ideal place to try all kinds of dishes from cuisines from around the world. But if you are looking for the traditional, as you can see, there are much more than attractive options. Enjoy!

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