The Cathedral Of Albi In France, A Very Special Temple

It is the largest cathedral in the world built in brick. A constructive detail that has a lot to do with when its construction began.
The cathedral of Albi in France, a very special temple

A medieval setting in the south of France is home to a historic gem: Albi Cathedral. A fabulous Gothic temple with more than seven centuries of history that towers over the city, with its 78 meter high tower. It is one of the largest brick buildings in the world. Do you want to know it better? Join us.

A visit to this monument is mandatory if you are going to travel through the south of the country. For example, Toulouse is less than a hundred kilometers away. You will discover that not only the cathedral, but its surroundings are an ideal space to take good pictures and show off your trip.

History of the cathedral of Albi

Albi Cathedral Visa
Albi Cathedral

The construction of a large building such as the Albi Cathedral always keeps its secrets. In this case, the aspects that make it different have to do with the period in which its construction began, at the end of the 12th century.

Although its inauguration dates from the year 1480, the cathedral began to be built two centuries before. Specifically in 1282. At that time a battle against Catharism was taking place. This movement, rejected by Rome, defended that the Catholic Church wasted too many resources in the construction of its temples.

For this reason, and to defend against these accusations,  austerity prevailed in the construction of the Albi cathedral. The main measure was to build the structure with brick, a material much cheaper than that commonly used in other religious temples.

Despite this decision, a large structure with an imposing tower was erected. Thus, without losing sight of the austerity that was sought to silence the accusations, it was possible to give the temple the grandeur of an immense fortification.

Contrast inside

Albi cathedral ceiling frescoes
Cathedral ceiling frescoes -Pom2 / Wikimedia Commons

Seen from the outside, the building is a great fortification that in the Middle Ages served to deter possible attacks. The brick construction, more moderate than that used in other large temples, contrasts with the interior of the Albi Cathedral.

Without a doubt, the greatest attraction is the large mural that represents the Last Judgment and which was made by Flemish painters. Heaven, earth, and hell are depicted in the play, each one full of detail. For example, the last part shows the seven deadly sins.

But inside the cathedral of Albi you can also see many other works. The frescoes in the vault stand out, which follow Italian Renaissance art. This creation is considered within its genre as one of the oldest in France.

Finally, the temple houses a historic organ dating from the 18th century. With a classical structure, the instrument is coordinated with the rest of the elements of the cathedral to serve as one more decorative element. Built in 1736, this instrument is another attraction to visit Albi Cathedral.

Take advantage of the visit to Albi

Albi in France
View of Albi

The French town of Albi owes its fame to the cathedral, but it also has other corners that deserve to be known. Not to be missed is the Palais de la Berbie located near the temple. Also the palace gardens themselves, in which the Tolouse-Lautrec Museum is located.

If the great cathedral and the fact that it was built over two centuries have left you open-mouthed, the Saint Salvy collegiate church will surprise you even more. Seven centuries were necessary to finish the work on the bell tower. The architectural and material differences that can be observed attest to this.

In addition to many other monuments, we must mention the access bridges to this town. Both the new bridge, which is a century and a half old, and the old one, from the 14th century, are constructions that must be admired.

The old bridge is perhaps the most photographed feature in Albi. With all the old town in the background and the great cathedral rising up high, this corner is the most beautiful in the whole area. And walking along it with those views over the Tarn River is one of the delights to enjoy on our visit to the city.

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