The Charm Of The Iguaque Sanctuary In Colombia

The Sanctuary of Fauna and Flora of Iguaque is a beautiful site that in pre-Columbian times was considered a sacred place. It houses a great wealth that meets the expectations of nature lovers.
The charm of the Iguaque Sanctuary in Colombia

The Iguaque Fauna and Flora Sanctuary is located in the department of Boyacá, in Colombia. With an area of ​​more than 6,700 hectares, it is one of those places that nature lovers will fully enjoy.

Located in the Cane-Iguaque river basin, it constitutes a very important water reservoir of rivers and lagoons. Its highest point is Morro Negro, with more than 3400 meters and it has a good number of high altitude ecosystems, among which a great variety of flora and fauna species are discovered.

The treasure of the Sanctuary of Iguaque

Iguaque Lagoon
Iguaque Lagoon

In Iguaque there is a lagoon that bears the same name as the park. It is a unique space, since it was a sacred place for the Muisca culture. For this people, the lagoon symbolized the origin of humanity. In that culture, everything revolved around water, and the lagoon represented the womb from which the goddess Bachué was born.

From their breasts gushed the water that fed all forms of life that arise on Earth. Perhaps that is why, even today there are those who make pilgrimages  to this lagoon to cleanse the soul and thereby purify the spirit.

In addition to the Iguaque lagoon there are eight more. Likewise, the park is crossed by the Iguaque and Cane rivers. If you want to enter the Sanctuary of Iguaque and live a unique experience, do not miss what follows.

The natural wealth of the Iguaque Sanctuary

View of the Sanctuary of Iguaque
Iguaque Sanctuary – David Alejandro Cabrera /

In the Sanctuary of Iguaque you can find various ecosystems such as moors, Andean and dry forests and oak forests, among others. All its lagoons are of glacial origin and there are a large number of water sources.

Thanks to this, its fauna is very rich, with species ranging from armadillos to squirrels, deer and foxes. Birds such as hummingbirds , green toucans, partridges or larks also live here . It is a small sample of the 177 species only of birds that inhabit the park.

In terms of its flora, it is just as diverse, with some endemic species. Frailejones, seven leather, laurels, pines, lichens, mosses, orchids and ferns, among others, stand out.


The Sanctuary of Fauna and Flora of Iguaque has the Furachiogua center, with capacity to host 48 visitors. There is also a camping area in Carrizal that can accommodate about fifty tourists.

Those who go camping must bring all food and gas or gasoline stoves, as it is forbidden to make bonfires. Additionally, the place has a restaurant and a small auditorium. The cost of entry to the sanctuary is approximately seven US dollars for nationals and 15 for foreigners.

Ecotourism activities

Andean forest
Andean Forest – Petruss / Wikimedia Commons

In the Iguaque Sanctuary it is possible to appreciate spectacular lagoon and moorland landscapes. You can go hiking and in fact there are several routes. The most popular route is the Bachué trail, which leads to the Iguaque lagoon.

This tour begins at the Carrizal Administrative Center, continues through the Furachiogua visitor center and ends when arriving at the sacred lagoon. The total route is just over four kilometers uphill from 2,800 to 3,650 meters. It is a complicated path, with a duration of seven hours, round trip.

In this sanctuary, on the other hand, scientific research is carried out and environmental education services are provided. It is also an ideal place to observe wild fauna and flora. Likewise, it is a fantastic place to take photographs or record on video, both its landscapes and the forms of life that inhabit it.


It is advisable to contact the Colombian National Parks division before making the trip, especially to update and verify information regarding services. Additionally, from its official website there are maps that can be downloaded.

On the other hand, traveling to the Iguaque Sanctuary requires wearing thermal clothing for cold weather, hiking boots or swamps, sunscreen, raincoat and first aid kit. Also all the necessary equipment if you want to camp, including food.

You must carry the identification document and health insurance, as well as a bag to collect the garbage that is generated. Additionally, it is advisable to be in good physical condition.

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