The City Of Love, 6 Reasons To Travel To Paris

The city of love, 6 reasons to travel to Paris

Paris is a dream place. A trip to the capital of love and lights will be unforgettable. The truth is that it is only necessary to remove two letters from the word “paradise” to obtain “Paris”, therefore, in each of its streets we will find ourselves in a magical environment. The reasons to travel to Paris are endless : walks, views, monuments, unique experiences …

The French capital has an incredible history. Its lights, its people and its aromas create an environment worth knowing, enjoying and contemplating. In addition, Paris is capable of enchanting us just by being present. Choosing just a few reasons to travel to Paris is difficult, but here are the most important ones:

1. Reasons to travel to Paris: climb the Eiffel Tower

View from the Eiffel Tower in Paris
View from the Eiffel Tower – Ong.thanaong

One of the main reasons to travel to Paris is to see its most iconic monument: the Eiffel Tower. Climbing inside this tower to any of its floors is quite a spectacle. This iron lady has a unique architecture that we can observe from very close if we enter it.

In addition, the views offered by the Eiffel Tower are incredible. From there we can see an indescribable panoramic view of the French capital. It will be a unique memory in our memory.

2. Watch the sunset in Montmartre

Sacred Heart in Montmartre, Paris
Sacred Heart in Montmartre – TTstudio

Montmartre is the quintessential Parisian bohemian neighborhood. There, in addition to delighting in the art that is breathed in each of its streets, we can visit the monument of the Sacred Heart. From inside we can access a viewpoint at the top that offers us incredible views of Paris.

If we go to Montmartre at sunset we will enjoy one of the most amazing shows. The city of Paris is gradually losing its natural light to finally glow in the dark. Although one of the best views Montmartre offers is from the top of the Sacred Heart, we can go up to the viewpoint that is around the monument.

3. Visit the Palace of Versailles

Palace of Versailles
Palace of Versailles – Keiki

The Palace of Versailles is a mandatory stop on this trip and another of the main reasons to travel to Paris. The gardens that surround the palace will leave us with our mouths open. In addition, its paths full of fountains and vegetation create an extraordinary atmosphere.

On the other hand, the palace is one of the most emblematic architectural works in France. In fact, it is one of the most important monarchical castles in Europe. The palace and park of Versailles were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

4. Admire the Notre Dame Cathedral

Notre Dame de Paris
Notre Dame – Nattee Chalermtiragool

Notre Dame Cathedral makes every visitor impressed. This monument offers a unique and inimitable architecture. Its interior and its façade give shape to a magnificent building,  one of the most important Gothic cathedrals in Europe.

In addition, there is the possibility of climbing its towers. From them you can see an incredible panoramic view of the city, while you are surrounded by fabulous stone gargoyles. You will feel almost like the unforgettable hunchback who starred in one of Victor Hugo’s best-known novels and a famous Disney movie

5. Stroll through the Champs Elysees

View of the Champs-elysees
Champs Elysees – Sergey Novikov

The avenue des Champs-Élysées is the main avenue of the city and is almost two kilometers long. This famous walk takes us from the Arc de Triomphe to the Place de la Concorde, two landmarks of the French capital.

The Arc de Triomphe offers incredible views of the city and Place de la Concorde is the second largest square in France. Two wonderful places to define one of the most incredible walks you can do.

6. Taste their gastronomy

Macarrons, one of the reasons to travel to Paris
Macarrons – Shauna Leigh Robinson /

One of the strengths and one of the main reasons to travel to Paris is its gastronomy. In fact, French food has been declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

This delicious cuisine française  delights us with its most popular dishes such as coq au vin , foie or poulet rôti; with its most famous cheeses, such as  raclette; and with its most characteristic sweets, such as crêpes and  macarons. In short ,  Paris offers a great gastronomic variety.

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