The Island Of Corfu And Its Wonders

The island of Corfu and its wonders

In the middle of the waters of the mythological Ionian Sea is Corfu, a beautiful island with a suggestive and mysterious name. Its paradisiacal landscapes and its beautiful beaches make it a perfect place to rest and relax. Its pleasant climate adds to its tourist attractions, thus creating a wonderful location that is necessary to visit at least once in your life.

Corfu beaches and natural sites

Corfu is full of absolutely wonderful corners. Let’s get to know some.

Love Channel

Corfu Love Channel
Channel of Love – CCat82

We do not stop on the coasts of the Sidari area, in the western part of the island. This beautiful tourist town owes its popularity to its striking landscapes. It has a series of spectacular cliffs that could be worthy protagonists of the classic Greek tales.

Its most famous attraction is a tunnel that has formed under the rocky surface due to erosion from the sea. Thanks to this, it has come to occupy some of the covers of the most famous magazines on the planet. This, adding to the turquoise color of the waters and the possibility of taking a boat trip inside, attracts tourists and onlookers from all over the world.


Avalki Bay in Corfu
Bay in Kassiopi – foodografie

This small bay has a lot of charm, which makes it a destination worth visiting if you spend your holidays in Corfu. Taking a bath in its waters and enjoying a walk along its shore is highly comforting.

It is very close to Kassiopi, the quintessential tourist spot on the Emerald Isle. Despite this, Avlaki is not one of the most visited beaches, so it still has that spell that only natural spaces that are not yet overcrowded enjoy.

It manages to stay hidden thanks to the groves that surround its sands and that keep it away from the daily hustle and bustle.


Palaiokastritsa in Corfu
Palaiokastritsa – lornet

Another of Corfu’s greatest treasures is the Palaiokastritsa area. It is made up of a set of small capes that go into the sea. In this way, five different small beaches are born.

Due to the tiny accesses through which the water enters each one of them, its temperature is always kept warm and even hot. This makes them the perfect place to go for a dip with the family. The two closest to the port area are very crowded but in summer it is feasible to reach the remaining three through a transport barge service installed for that purpose.

Corfu castles and palaces

Not everything is incredible landscapes in Corfu, there are also wonderful monuments that are worth visiting. Do you want to know them?


Achilleion Palace in Corfu
Achilleion Palace – Anastasios71

The Achilleion or Aquileón is one of the most famous palaces of the emerald island since its construction. Why? It was the popular Empress Elizabeth of Bavaria, Sissi, who ordered its construction in 1889. She did it with the intention of honoring the hero of Greek mythology Achilles.

The building was built in the small province of Gastouri, just over 5 minutes by car from the main city of the island. The farm is surrounded by numerous cypress trees.

As soon as they enter, the visitor will find a beautiful interior decoration,  simple in style but without neglecting its imperial part. The ceilings are lavishly ornamented with colorful frescoes. It also has numerous sculptures and paintings that enliven the journey throughout its rooms.

Palaio Phrourio

View of corfu
Corfu – Andrei Pop

A professional guide will be in charge of welcoming us to Palaio Phourio. Visiting this ancient fortress allows tourists to explore every corner of it. However, the most tempting thing is to walk along its walls to enjoy the spectacular view that is offered to us from the height.

Its location, in the heart of the old town of Corfu, makes this place an ideal space to obtain a beautiful and somewhat mystical panoramic view of the town, and more specifically of the most classic part that this urban nucleus still preserves. Legend has it that this wall dates from the 6th century, the exact moment of the great fall of Paleopolis.


Algelokastro Ruins
Algelokastro Ruins – CCat82

The Angelokastro is a castle of Byzantine origin and style. It is located at the top of a small hill. The funny thing is that, in turn, this mound is located on a beautiful cliff. The combination of the entire print does not leave you indifferent.

These foundations belong to what was once a stronghold of resistance against piracy. They were erected between the villages of Krini and Palaiokastritsa. The soldiers sent by the Genoese who were traveling through these lands in the direction of the crusades harassed the fortress but, despite numerous attempts, they did not manage to conquer it.

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