The Largest Endorheic Lake In The World

Due to its dimensions it is compared to the sea, but it is a huge lake, the largest endorheic lake on the planet: the Caspian Sea.
The largest endorheic lake in the world

The Caspian Sea is the largest endorheic lake in the world. That is to say, it is the largest among those that evaporate all the water collected in its hydrographic basin on its surface, which, in this case, is located between Europe and Asia. Do you want to know more about this natural wonder? Well, do not hesitate to continue reading.

Origin and characteristics of the Caspian Sea

Boats in the Caspian Sea, the largest endorheic lake
Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea is approximately 30 million years old. Since then it has received various names, such as the Hyrcanian Ocean or the Sea of ​​Khazar. But why do we speak of the sea if it is really a lake? The reason is that the endorheic lakes of great extension receive that denomination and the qualification of closed or inland sea.

Regarding its characteristics, it has an area of ​​371,000 km² and an average depth of 170 meters, although the maximum is 995 meters. The largest contributions of water are received from the Volga River and it serves as a natural border for five countries: Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.

Considering that it constitutes 40% of the continental waters of the entire planet, it is not surprising that it has a rich fauna. The sturgeons stand out, from whose eggs the famous caviar is obtained. We must also mention the Caspian seal, an endemic species and one of the few that live in inland waters.

Visit this endorheic lake

As we have anticipated, the Caspian Sea can be known from five countries, since all of them have cities on the shores of this endorheic lake. Thus, in Russia you should visit Astrakhan or Derbent, whose citadel, old city and fortress are declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

View of Baku
View of baku

Azerbaijan is the country with the most places bathed by the Caspian Sea. We can mention Baku, the capital, which had a tourist infrastructure, now in ruins to spend the summer on the shore of the lake. We must also name Astara, Lanzaran, Sumqayit, Neft Daslari and Xacmas. Any of them is a good choice.

Meanwhile, in Iran we can approach Bandar-e Anzali, formerly considered the port of Rasht. It is a city whose main attraction is the beaches of the Caspian Sea.

Of the other countries, Turkmenbashi stands out in Turkmenistan. Meanwhile, in Kazakhstan we should mention Atyrau and Aktau.

Precisely, a ferry leaves from Baku every week to Aktau, so in addition to knowing the sites that stretch along the coast of the Caspian Sea, you can navigate it to have an even more complete experience.

Other important endorheic lakes

In addition to the Caspian Sea, there are other important endorheic lakes, such as Lake Neusiedl and Trasimeno, both in Europe. The first is surrounded by Austria and Hungary and has an area of ​​315 km². Meanwhile, the second is located in central Italy and has three islands: Maggiore, Polvese and Minore.

Dead Sea
Dead Sea

From the old continent we moved to Asia, where Lake Balkhash is located. It is a peculiar lake found in Kazakhstan. What makes it special? That at one end the water is sweet, while at the other it is salty.

But if there is a prominent endorheic lake in Asia, it is the Dead Sea. It has a high concentration of salts, so we can float in it effortlessly while enjoying its benefits. Those relating to the skin, muscular ailments, fatigue or stress stand out especially.

There are also relevant endorheic lakes in Africa (Lake Chad, Lake Natron and Lake Turkan), in Australia (Lake Eyre, the largest and the lowest point in the country) and in Antarctica (Lake Don Juan and Lake Vanda).

As you have seen, the Caspian Sea, in addition to being impressive due to its characteristics, is a place not to be missed on any trip to the countries where it serves as a natural border. Do you dare to head to this fabulous lake?

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