The Most Traditional Dishes Of Moroccan Cuisine

What most characterizes Moroccan cuisine is the personality of its flavors. Spices play a fundamental role in its preparations, which in many cases are a perfect combination of sweet and salty.
The most traditional dishes of Moroccan cuisine

Moroccan cuisine is one of the most diverse, thanks to the cultural richness of that area and the enormous interaction it has had with other peoples. This gastronomy can be considered a mixture of typical dishes of the country and cuisines originating from the Moors and Berbers, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, among others.

Moroccan dishes have their own identity. Its cuisine is very simple to prepare and is based on popular taste. Its main characteristic consists of balancing the sweet and the salty, a characteristic that it shares with the Far Eastern style of cooking.

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In the preparation of Moroccan cuisine, home-made and ancestral techniques predominate, carried out mainly by women. It belongs to an ancient tradition of that culture. The ingredients and the way to cook them is a knowledge that is usually transmitted from mothers to daughters.

Spices are a key ingredient in Moroccan cuisine. Turmeric, anise, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, cardamom, and mint are present in many dishes. These ingredients are just some of the extensive list that give that characteristic flavor to the gastronomy of this country.

Moroccan cuisine dishes

Each Moroccan dish fills the palate with endless unique flavors  that constitute a true experience for the senses. In Morocco you have to try everything, from nuts and lamb to its sweets and beet juice. If you want to taste the delights of Moroccan gastronomy, you cannot miss this tour.

1. Couscous

Couscous, Moroccan cuisine dish

It is one of the most traditional typical dishes of Moroccan cuisine and, perhaps, the best known internationally. It is of Berber origin and is usually only prepared on Fridays, a day dedicated to prayer and walking with the family.

There are multiple ways to prepare it and it can be made with countless ingredients. The base is always wheat semolina, which is steamed in special containers. Only vegetables (leeks, beans, pumpkin, etc.), only meats (chicken, lamb and beef) or a combination of both are added to this base.

2. Tajine

Tajine bowl

The tajine is a typical and very popular dish of Moroccan cuisine. It bears the same name as the container in which it is prepared : a round and hollow terracotta container that is covered with a cone-shaped lid. There are many ways to prepare tajine and many variables in terms of the ingredients that make it up.

It is usually prepared with lamb, chicken or fish, to which is added a vegetable stew that includes green pepper, garlic, onion and olive oil. It also has lemon juice, almonds, cinnamon, saffron, ginger, parsley and dates, among others. Its cooking is slow and it is usually accompanied with pieces of Moroccan bread.

3. Harira

Harira dish, typical of Moroccan cuisine

Harira is a Moroccan soup that is consumed particularly after the Ramadan fast. It is highly appreciated for its caloric intake and sometimes serves as a starter for other dishes. There are different ways of preparing it and recipes that vary from one region to another.

It is made from a tomato paste and legumes such as lentils and chickpeas, to which lamb or beef is added in pieces. You can also bring some rice and flour to thicken it. Finally, spices such as parsley, ginger, coriander, black pepper and turmeric cannot be absent. It can also include olive oil and dates.

4. Pill

Typical Moroccan pill

Pastilla or b’stilla is a specialty of Moroccan cuisine originating in Fez and of which there are different versions. It is a very elaborate dish that achieves the perfect balance between sweet and salty. There are different versions of this same dish in the countries of Tunisia and Algeria.

It is prepared with successive layers of puff pastry and in its most traditional version it has sliced ​​pigeon meat, although it can also be replaced with another type of protein. Additionally, it has a filling of almonds and various types of spices. Sprinkle with icing sugar and some cinnamon.

5. Kefta

Kefta plate

Kefta is a very popular dish that is consumed throughout the country, it  is something like the fast food of the region. There are different recipes and different ways of preparation. It is normally cooked as meatballs or skewers and accompanied with sweet mint tea for better digestion.

The minced meat can be lamb or beef, along with onion, pine nuts, parsley, garlic, cumin, hot paprika, and olive oil. It can also have turmeric, cinnamon, and ginger. Everything is baked or roasted and is usually accompanied with some type of cheese or Arabic bread. In its meatball form, tomato paste and fried eggs are added.

6. Méchoui, Moroccan cuisine on special occasions

Mechoui plate

The méchoui or meshwi is an ancestral dish of Moroccan cuisine, which is basically consumed during special celebrations and festivities, for example, during weddings or to celebrate the birth of the first male child in rural areas. It is a typical dish in both Algeria and Morocco.

Its preparation is based on a whole lamb that is slowly roasted in a previously prepared oven on the ground. The cooking process can take more than three hours, which makes it possible to obtain a very tender meat that melts in your mouth. The lamb is seasoned the day before with ground garlic, cumin, coriander and salt and is served with couscous, almonds and plums.

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