The Most Unique And Charming Bookstores In The World

Some are in churches, in theaters, on boats or in warehouses. Others are unique because of their history or some curiosity. But if these bookstores have something in common, it is that they are charming.
The most unique and charming bookstores in the world

The touch, the smell, the design of the cover or the sound of turning the pages. Paper books have something that makes them magical, beyond the stories and wisdom they contain. If you are one of those people who enjoys with them in their hands, do not miss this trip. We take you to the most unique bookstores, all of them wonderful, full of charm… and life.

1. The most unique bookstores : Lello and Irmão, Porto

Lello and Irmao in Porto
Lello and Irmao – Nick Molds /

It is more than a hundred years old, but its fame is recent and thanks to a literary character and a writer. We refer to Harry Potter and JK Rowling, who spent a season in Porto and who apparently was inspired by this bookstore. A wonderful bookstore, with a staircase, some shelves and some very beautiful stained glass windows. Of course, the queues to visit it are endless, and that you have to pay.

2. Polare Maastricht, The Netherlands

Polare Maastrich
Polare – pieter musterd /

A bookstore in a 13th century Gothic church. From a religious temple to a temple of literature. Here everything invites you to immerse yourself in reading: the atmosphere, a careful restoration and, of course, shelves on several levels full of books. A true paradise for bibliophiles who can enjoy reading or a good gathering in the apse of the church, now a cafeteria.

3. Ateneo Gran Splendid, Buenos Aires

Athenaeum Grand Splendid in Buenos Aires
Ateneo Grand Splendid – Niels Mickers /

Another beautiful example of “reconversion”, in this case of an old theater. One of the most unique bookstores because the original structure has been respected. The boxes and the stalls have been filled with shelves. Meanwhile, behind the curtain of the stage where one day greats of the stature of Carlos Gardel performed, today there is a cafeteria. And all under the protection of a beautiful oil painted dome.

4. Acqua Alta, Venice

Acqua alta bookstore, one of the secret corners of Venice
Acqua Alta Bookstore – Dimitris Kamaras /

Its name refers to those tides that flood Venice, and it is right. Hidden among the Venetian alleys and with a door that leads to one of the canals, in this bookstore you will see the books in gondolas to prevent them from being damaged when there are floods. His is a unique print that could inspire a thousand different stories.

5. Word on the Water, London

Word on the Water, one of the most unique bookstores
Word on the Water – David Skinner /

And literally on the water are the books in this London bookstore. It is a floating bookstore anchored in one of the canals, near King’s Cross station. There was a time when this ship traveled these waterways, providing an unforgettable experience to its clients. Today it does not sail, but visiting it is worth it because in addition to books it offers endless activities.

6. Barter Books, Alnwick

Barter Books
Barter Books – Dave Morris /

It was the starting point for real trips and today it is for imaginary trips. This second-hand and book-exchange bookstore is in an old Victorian-era train station. A place to get lost for hours, because of the amount of funds it has and because you can sit comfortably in the waiting rooms and have a drink in front of a fireplace in its restaurant.

7. Shakespeare & Co, Paris

Shakespeare and Company
Shakespeare and Company – Peter Nijenhuis /

A charming bookstore specializing in Anglo-Saxon literature in the heart of Paris, a stone’s throw from Notre-Dame Cathedral. Curious in many ways. Its first floor is a refuge for the so-called “tumbleweeds”, travelers who take shelter here in exchange for working a few hours. And in addition, it has a wishing well that many visitors toss coins into.

8. San Ginés Bookstore, Madrid

San Ginés bookstore in Madrid
San Ginés Library – FDV / Wikimedia Commons

It is a small bookstore that many come across by chance. It is in one of the alleys that lead to the Plaza Mayor in the Spanish capital. Hidden in a corner, but visible by its wooden shelves and tables on the street, it is believed to have been in operation since the 18th century. A small but charming bookstore specialized in old and second-hand books.

9. Ler Devagar, Lisbon

Ler Devagar, one of the most unique bookstores
Ler Devagar – Shadowgate /

Much more modern is this Lisbon bookstore, which occupies an old textile factory. A place where the shelves reach up to the ceiling, where you can see the old machinery and where a singular figure of a woman on a bicycle hangs from the ceiling. But, above all, a place to enjoy with a book or participating in one of the many activities they organize.

10. Altaïr Barcelona

Altaïr bookstore
Altaïr Bookstore – Garrett Ziegler /

We could not end this journey through the most unique bookstores in any other way. Altaïr is the largest travel bookstore in Europe. If your thing is to travel the world, here you can find that information you need to embark on the adventure. More than 60,000 references between books, maps and all kinds of materials about any destination you can imagine. Ready to travel?

The most spectacular historical libraries in the world

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