The Mysterious Capilla Del Monte In Argentina, Myth Or Truth?

Capilla del Monte is an emblematic place for lovers of supernatural experiences. Hundreds of tourists come to this small Argentine place, year after year, in search of an answer to the mysteries of the site.
The mysterious Capilla del Monte in Argentina, myth or truth?

Capilla del Monte currently has just over 11,000 inhabitants. A good part of its population claims to have had an experience with UFOs, while others are skeptical about it. Thousands of national and foreign tourists travel to this population each year, in search of a ufological, mystical or spiritual experience.

Capilla del Monte is located in the province of Córdoba , Argentina. Its name is due to the fact that the first chapel in the country was founded there by a Spanish family, 500 years ago; later it received the name of Church of San Antonio de Padua.

With the passage of time, the locals changed its name and referred to it as the Capilla del Monte, because it was located on top of a mountain. In fact, the topography of the place is characterized by the presence of several elevations such as the mountains, Cerro Las Gemelas and Cerro Uritorco, among others.

There are also the El Cajón dam and natural geoforms such as El zapato, Los Paredones and Los Mogotes. All these geographical accidents, distributed over a huge plain, make up the perfect setting for the new UFO tourism to be promoted there since the eighties.

Capilla del Monte: world capital of mystery

The welcome sign to the town shows the figure of a being “from another world” ; It is green in color and has a huge head. In the souvenir shops incense, quartz, small sculptures of aliens and books are promoted with the technique to balance the chakras.

The International Congress of Ufology is also held there annually, which brings together a multitude of enthusiasts on the subject. Additionally, there are any number of lectures around ufological and holistic experiences, as well as tours and activities that complement the experience.

In the region there are archaeological vestiges of the Ayampitín culture, dating from the year 6000 before our era. There is also a Zen Buddhist monastery, on the western side of Cerro Uritorco. These places, added to the apparent extraterrestrial encounters and all sorts of esoteric conceptions, feed the atmosphere of “the world’s energy site par excellence.

Landscape of Capilla del Monte, Argentina.

A place from another world

All kinds of stories are woven into Capilla del Monte, such as the one that speaks of the existence of a baton originating from an unknown culture. It is more than 8000 years old and is said to contain the keys to humanity’s wisdom.

There are also centers for healing the body and soul and astrology venues, where you can see what will happen in the future. Likewise, there are inns and restaurants with decorations that combine murals of aliens with Hindu gods, passing through dream catchers hanging from anywhere and species of hieroglyphics made on the ground.

In Capilla del Monte the mystical merges with the mythical, the esoteric with culture, the extraterrestrial with art, and creativity with fantasy. Definitely, it is a place from another world that seeks to transcend in this way.

The origin of CIO

In addition to all the above, in this place you will find the UFO Reporting Center (CIO). This has the function of investigating and collecting all the information associated with the experiences with UFOs. It has a conference agenda and a radio program in which topics ranging from the monumental English Stone Hedge stones to the Peruvian Nazca lines are broadcast.

There are also documents of the fact that gave rise to the creation of the Center: an event known as “the footprint of the Bird”, which took place on January 9, 1986. It tells of the appearance and parking of a UFO over the Sierra del Pajarillo, which left a trail of scorched vegetation 122 meters long by 64 meters wide.

The famous "Footprint of the bird" that appeared in Capilla del Monte.
The famous “Footprint of the bird” that appeared in Capilla del Monte. Image:

The event was widely covered by various local and national media and became an obligatory topic of conversation. Subsequently, theories arose stating that it had been an arson or a weapons testing ground created by the Argentine military.

Academic ambiguity

Researchers from the National University of Córdoba have carried out various studies with different purposes in this area. However, they only limit themselves to stating that the phenomena related to lights in the sky could be the result of an optical effect produced by quartz and mica. They add that these materials abound in this region and cast doubt on the alleged encounters with extraterrestrial civilizations.

Something that reinforces this position are the testimonies of a large number of inhabitants, who after decades of living in the town say they have never seen anything strange. These people point out that the closest thing to an alien experience has been the sighting of shooting stars.

Other points of view

Other scholars define what happens as a cultural phenomenon. They explain it as an effect of the state of isolation and loneliness in which the inhabitants of Capilla del Monte live. This, added to a local imaginary influenced by sensationalist readings, stories and films, gives this type of results.

They add that this is not new and that it dates back to the 1940s, after the end of the Second World War. Since then, the Nazis were said to have come to the area seeking the Holy Grail and pre-Columbian objects of immeasurable power.

Lake and Cerro Uritorco in Córdoba, Argentina.

Likewise, there was talk of the existence of hidden passageways inside Cerro Uritorco and the discovery of non-human remains belonging to a culture of unknown origin and thousands of years old.

Finally, they conclude that the most positive thing about this situation is that the popular imagination has reached such a level that it is considered intangible heritage of the region by some organizations.

Tourism in Capilla del Monte

The struggle between believing or not believing has reached the point where some rulers promote to ‘ deopen ‘ the municipality. For this reason, they propose to undertake an ambitious tourism campaign that rescues and gives value to the natural beauties of the region.

The truth is that, beyond the entire belief system that accompanies Capilla del Monte, this place houses a wide range of interesting places to visit. Among them are museums, archaeological areas, natural parks and train stations. But, without a doubt, the best thing about Capilla del Monte is the imagination and warmth of its people.

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