The Paradise Of The Mamanuca Islands

The paradise of the Mamanuca Islands

Within the great Pacific Ocean is a conglomerate of twenty volcanic atolls belonging to the Fiji, called the Mamanuca Islands.  All of them are uniquely beautiful, although the most popular are Malolo Lalai and Malolo.

The Mamanuca Islands can only be accessed by small planes or by taking a boat from the port of nearby Denarau. This area is very touristy, so it has all kinds of commercial and lodging services such as restaurants and hotels. From this same geographical point one can approach the enchanting Yasawas Islands.

Mamanuca Islands: a paradise with a tribal name

Tokoriki in Mamanuca Islands
Tokoriki, Mamanuca Islands – Paul D’Ambra /

When one imagines idyllic white sand beaches with clear turquoise waters, Mamanuca has in mind. If we add to this an ideal temperature that allows swimming or diving throughout the year among coral reefs, it could be assured that we have described paradise.

It is the perfect place for those looking for peace and quiet, people who want to disconnect from the stress and anxiety of everyday life. Nothing like a beautiful sunset of reddish tones and indescribable beauty to forget everything that worries us every day and let yourself be carried away by a good mood.

Mamanuca Islands
Mamanuca Islands – Malcolm Peacey /

If we do not even want to think about possible recreational activities, we will be in luck, since its shores are full of spectacular resorts where we can hire excursions or attend various shows.

As a revealing curiosity in relation to the beauty of this enclave, it should be noted that the film  Castaway , starring Tom Hanks, was filmed in this place.

Main islands

Malolo Lalai

Apparently, the English were the first to put their eyes and interests on this archipelago. Much of the population that still inhabits the area today is of Hindu origin because of it. This is due to the transfer of slaves that the British made from India to this land.

Mamanuca Islands
Mamanuca Islands – Photo Image

Malolo Lalai is small in size, so it can be covered in a very short period of time simply by walking. Hiking or cycling through this natural space is a unique experience. In this way we will exercise our legs with the clear sky as our only roof.

Other sports activities of interest are water immersion and snorkeling, or even golf in its green meadows. Once it gets dark, nothing better than watching the moon shine from a deck chair hanging between two trees.


This paradise island in the South Pacific is larger than its sister. In it the explorer will discover lots of small and peculiar wooden houses typical of the region. Apparently the owners have been complaining for years about the shortage of water and electricity, which gives us an idea of ​​their remote situation.

Malolo in Mamanuca Islands
Malolo, Mamanuca Islands – ITPhoto

Despite these problems, the locals possess a charming and personable character. In fact, it is common for travelers to comment that the inhabitants of this territory have an extraordinary good humor. This is probably due to the pleasant and friendly reception that the tourist receives on his part, so warm that the newcomer ends up feeling part of the island population.

It is advisable to get some goggles and a diving tube to contemplate the seabed at water level, so we can enjoy the immense variety of colorful fish that populate it. Here it is also possible to surf.


If what we prefer is to get away from the social bustle and enjoy an unusual place, we must go by barge to one of the atolls that are still uninhabited. Monuriki is one of those islands that are deserted.

Monuriki in Mamanuca Islands
Monuriki, Mamanuca Islands – Diagonal Uno /

It has few beaches but all of them are magnificent. Lacking regular residents, it is plagued by thick and immense vegetation. It is not surprising that its corals and cliffs are lavish. However, its tides are so docile that they provide enormous calm and serenity.

We can emulate the protagonist of the well-known work by Daniel Defoe  that inspired the film we have mentioned, explore the surroundings and, if we have time, make our own doll from a coconut.

Beautiful and magical, this is how the Mamanuca Islands are

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