The Weather In Budapest, Prepare An Unforgettable Trip

The weather in Budapest, prepare an unforgettable trip

We are going to tell you about the weather in Budapest, so that you can prepare the trip according to your preferences. We have already told you about the charms of the Hungarian capital. In other words, its monumental Parliament, its spas, the Chain Bridge or the beautiful Fisherman’s Bastion. And we have also mentioned the possibility of combined circuits that include a visit to Budapest, together with Vienna and Prague.

Well, any trip that includes the Hungarian capital is much more enjoyable in good weather, bearing in mind that not everyone likes to travel in summer. So we are going to give you all the details of the weather in Budapest , so you can choose the date that you most want.

The climate of Budapest

Fisherman's Bastion in Budapest
Fisherman’s Bastion – Yasonya

The weather and inclement weather that we may suffer during any of our trips are unpredictable well in advance, and sometimes even shortly. So, if you book a trip in a few months, it will be impossible for you to know what the weather is going to do during your stay. But on the other hand, you can know the weather that usually does for the dates chosen for your getaway.

In other words, in the next few lines we are going to give you the guidelines that the weather in Budapest follows, since we must not confuse weather with weather. The weather is the general, and the weather is what it does at a particular moment. So we hope that with this information you will choose the best time to make your trip to Budapest and, of course, that we wish you good weather.

Weather in Budapest: geographical location

Danube in Budapest
Budapest – Luciano Mortula – LGM

The first thing we have to know about Budapest is that it is in the heart of the European continent, with the sea very far from its streets. That is why it has a continental climate. While the humidity is not set by the sea, but by the impressive Danube River, which provides high levels of humidity, since as it passes through the city it is simply spectacular.

In short, that the type of climate of the city is temperate and humid continental. What does that mean? We are going to break it down by stations.

Winters in Budapest

It is basically the most unpredictable season. There may be winds from the west that drop the thermometer to 5 degrees, but nothing comparable to when the winds blow from the east, which bring much colder and also snow.

What’s more, once every two or three years the extremely cold Siberian anticyclone arrives. And besides that, fogs are common in the city.

Weather in Budapest: winter
Chain Bridge – Neirfy

Springs in Budapest

It rains little and, surprisingly, it is quite sunny at this time, almost since April. Of course, there is no wonder if during that month or the next there are quite cold days, which at night even bring frosts. So in the suitcase you will have to throw a little of everything.

Summers in Budapest

If it is hot in spring, you can imagine that it increases in the summer months. At the peak of the seasons, the mercury can reach 35 degrees. Although the nights are rather warm and it is usual for it to cool. In this sense, the proximity to the Danube can be crucial.

Autumns in Budapest

Budapest in autumn
Budapest – Ihor Pasternak

And to finish this tour of the meteorological calendar of the capital of Hungary, let’s say that there are years that summer can last until practically mid-October, so that autumn takes a long time to arrive. Of course, when it is established it does so seriously and leaves abundant rain, and even snow on the coldest days.

Now comes the big question, when is it better to travel to Budapest? Well, we would flee the winter cold and the maximum summer heats, as well as the autumn rains. For all these reasons, we recommend traveling either in May or in September. But we already warned, this is based on climatic criteria, because the weather in Budapest of a few days in particular nobody can assure you.

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