The Wonders Of The Uffizi Gallery In Florence

From office building to art gallery. The Uffizi Gallery is today one of the most visited museums in Italy. And all, thanks to the wonders it keeps. Can you come with us?
The wonders of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence

The Uffizi Gallery in Florence is one of the most visited museums in Italy and, without a doubt, in Europe. A unique place where you will find treasures at every step. Do you want to know which ones you can’t miss? Well, here we tell you.

The Medici and their art collection

Interior of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence
Interior of the Uffizi Gallery

The Medici family was one of the most influential in Renaissance Italy. From this family came leaders, patrons of art, queens, popes, scientists, etc. It was a family with a lot of power and that, above all, loved art above all else.

For this reason, over the centuries they accumulated great works of art, most of them Italian artists. And they were the promoters of the construction of some of the main buildings of their time, such as Santa Maria dei Fiore in Florence.

History of the Uffizi Gallery

Uffizi Gallery in Florence
Interior of the Uffizi Gallery

The Uffizi Gallery is located in the Italian city of Florence. The building in which it is located receives this name because it was conceived as the headquarters of the administrative and judicial offices of the city: the ‘offices’ in Spanish or ‘Uffizi’ in Italian.

His project corresponds to the architect and scholar Giorgio Vasari commissioned by Cosimo I de Medici, II Duke of Florence and I Grand Duke of Tuscany. And, although as we have already said it was intended to be an office building, the family reserved some rooms to store the large amount of works of art that they accumulated.

Over time, the building began to be adapted as a gallery and in 1769 it ended up being opened to the public, making it one of the oldest museums in the world. And all, thanks to the intervention of Ana María Luisa de Medici, last duchess of the family. He feared that the collection would end up moving to Austria, so he gave it to the city of Florence.

Essential works of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence

Botticelli's 'The Birth of Venus'.
‘The Birth of Venus’ -Wikimedia Commons

The Uffizi Gallery has several research departments whose central themes are painting, architecture, sculpture, engraving and drawing, as well as old books and historical documentation. Everything about him is wonderful, but there are works that must be stopped without excuses.

The first essential work is the Madonna  or  Maestà di Ognissanti by Giotto, the true precursor of the Renaissance in Italian painting. Painted in 1310, it is in room 2. It represents the Virgin and Child for the first time in an environment with perspective, wanting to resemble a real scene.

Also in the Gallery is the famous Portrait of the Dukes of Urbino, Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza. It is a work made by Piero della Francesca in the 15th century. It is located in room 8.

Also, you’ll find The Birth of Venus  and  Spring, both of Sandro Botticelli, which are reserved for wards 10 to 14. Some boxes full of allegorical meanings.

Other works not to be missed

'Virgin of the goldfinch' by Rafael
‘Virgin of the Goldfinch’ by Rafael – Wikimedia Commons

Another of the works that you cannot miss is The Baptism of Christ , carried out between 1470-75. It is in room 15 and is one of the first works in which the great genius Leonardo da Vinci intervenes. Although the work is by Verrocchio, his teacher, Da Vinci’s hand can already be seen in the landscape and in the angel on the left. 

Also, in this room you should not miss The Annunciation, a painting in which Leonardo shows his great interest in nature. The Tondo Doni, for its part, awaits you in room 35 and is another of the works that you must contemplate because it is the only remaining painting of Michelangelo in Florence.

The Virgin of the Goldfinch, by  the magnificent Raphael, is also in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. It is, specifically, in room 66 and it is a marvel worthy of being contemplated for hours. We also recommend that you look for the enchanting work of the Venus of Urbino by the famous Titian, which can be found in room 83.

And finally, enjoy the spectacular works of Caravaggio. In room 90 he will surprise you with his dark Shield with the head of Medusa and with the realism of his Sacrifice of Isaac.

The visit to the Uffizi Gallery can be made from Tuesday to Sunday. It has several rates and annual passes. And it is equipped with all the necessary services to enjoy it. In addition, with your ticket you can enter the National Archaeological Museum for free.

Museums in Florence that you cannot miss

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