The Yuriev Monastery, The Oldest In Russia

It was one of the most important monasteries of the Middle Ages on Russian territory. With a long and troubled history, we know more about the beautiful Yuriev monastery.
Yuriev Monastery, the oldest in Russia

190 kilometers from Saint Petersburg, in Novgorod, is located the Yuriev monastery, the oldest in Russia. Its location is ideal, on the banks of the Volkhov River, on its arrival at Lake Ilmen. The views are wonderful, due to the nature that surrounds it and the reflection that the monastery creates in the crystal clear and calm waters of the river.

History of the Yuriev monastery

Yuriev Monastery
Yuriev Monastery – cat_collector /

Although it is also called the Monastery of St. George, this place is popularly known as the oldest monastery in Russia. Legend has it that it was founded in 1030 by Yaroslav the Wise, responsible for the construction of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev.

However, the first data on the existence of the monastery are from the 12th century. It was when the construction of the main church began, dedicated to Saint George, which is the name of Yaroslav in Christian. Specifically, it would have been Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich of Novgorod who, in 1119, had ordered the start of the works.

As early as 1345, the church of San Jorge was renovated and a new roof was added. The history books refer to the inhabitants of the monastery as the archimandrites of Novgorod. Most of them were buried there. But also part of the princes of the city, such as the sons of Yaroslav I and their respective successors.

A miraculous event in the Yuriev monastery

St. George's Cathedral in Yuriev
St. George’s Cathedral – Grigory Gusev /

Among the characters buried here is  Grand Prince Alexander Nevski’s older brother, Theodoro. His figure is very important for the history of Russia, since with his death a period of Instability began, which did not end until the arrival of the Romanov dynasty in 1613.

Specifically, during that unstable period, the Ingrian War took place, which pitted Sweden and Russia against each other. In the midst of an advance from Sweden, warriors stormed the monastery and discovered the tomb of Prince Theodoro.

The Swedes removed his remains and,  by leaning him against the wall, it seemed to them that he was alive. As a result, the people of Novgorod decided to canonize Prince Theodoro and he is currently the patron saint of the city.

Highlights of the monastery

St. George's Cathedral in Yuriev
St. George’s Cathedral – David Casteel /

One of the most important parts of the monastery is the church of St. George, not only because it was built in honor of Yaroslav, but also because of the elements that compose it.

It is made up of only three silver domes, when churches generally have five. The one that does have the five domes is the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross. It is located in the north corner and the domes are blue with gold stars.

Also, at the entrance there is a tall tower with a gold dome, visible from the center of the city of Novgorod. For the rest , in the interiors of Yuriev there are frescoes that represent Christ and some archbishops of the monastery, but they are barely preserved due to the reform that the place underwent in 1902.

In addition, the Russian government destroyed five of the six churches in the monastery in 1928. Then, during World War II, it was taken over by German and Spanish forces. Again, the monastery continued to suffer deterioration.

Although the restoration of the monastery began in 1991 , parts of the complex still remain in ruins.

Historical importance of the monastery

Yuriev Monastery
Yuriev Monastery – David Casteel /

The monastery is an important source on the history of Novgorod, which for almost three centuries was a republic that dominated much of what is now Russia. The capital was Novgorod itself, and it was one of the most important cities in the kingdom. In addition, they had their own government.

During their existence on the continent, they had to face two main enemies. The Swedes, whom they tried to stop their advances, and Russia, which in 1478 finally ended the republic.

As currently the republic no longer exists, historians are working to learn as much as possible about that time. For this reason, the Yuriev Monastery is the main provider of information, despite being badly damaged.

The Yuriev Monastery is one of the treasures of Russia, a good excursion to take from Saint Petersburg, for its history and its beauty.

Cover photo: Dennis Jarvis /

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