These Are Lesser Known Islands In The World, But Beautiful

We take you to islands that you may not have ever heard of, but that will surprise you. Remote, unique and wonderful, that’s how they are.
These are lesser known islands in the world, but beautiful

Traveling to an island is a fantastic idea for a luxury vacation. There are many that are famous, such as the Bahamas, Seychelles or Fiji. But this time we are not taking you to them, we want to discover some lesser-known islands in the world that are spectacular. An unforgettable experience. Are you coming with us?

These are some of the least known islands in the world

1. Cocos Keeling

Cocos Keeling
Cocos Keeling – David Stanley /

Seeing these islands will leave an image in your mind that you can hardly erase. There are no words to describe its beauty. If you’ve ever seen white sand, the sand on these islands is whiter ; If you have ever seen waters with Caribbean colors, these are even more so; And if you’ve ever seen clear, clean water, it sure doesn’t beat Cocos Keeling!

These beautiful islands, which seem to have been brought from heaven itself, are located somewhere between Australia and Sri Lanka. An impressive archipelago, of whose islands only two are inhabited. The best plan? A canoe tour of all of them!

2. Granada

Granada, one of the least known islands in the world
Granada – Pawel Kazmierczak

No, we don’t want to tell you about the Spanish city where the Alhambra is located. We refer to a wonderful island belonging to the Antilles and which is an independent state.

It is known as the island of spices for growing more than 20% of all the nutmeg in the world. Any of its beaches are ideal to relax and forget about the stress of the city. They are little frequented beaches of captivating beauty.

3. Nosy Be

Nosy Be in Madagascar
Nosy Be – Jean-Yves CALECA

Surely as an experienced traveler you are, one of your dreams, if you have not already fulfilled it, is to go to Madagascar, and this is its best island. It is known as the island of perfume, thanks to the sea breeze making its air permeate with the famous ylang ylang flower , typical of Madagascar.

It has volcanic lakes and small private islets, not to mention a small island that goes off its land and has an impressive reserve for snorkeling. A walk to it to enjoy its beaches will be a wonderful idea to spend a different day during your vacation on the island.

4. Reunion Island

Reunion Island
Reunion Island – Miwok /

It is very close to the Maldives.  A prosperous island where they exist, but that has not managed to be the most famous or visited. It is really underrated, but this at the same time allows you to visit it without fear of large crowds.

It is a perfect photographic setting and a dream place.  It also has one of the most incredible natural spaces in the world: the Piton de la Fournaise volcano. Stay active, although no lava explosion is anticipated, so there is no danger if you want to spend a luxurious vacation on this beautiful island.

5. Sumba

Sumba, one of the least known islands in the world
Sumba – MawardiBahar

If we talk about Indonesia, Bali will probably come to mind quickly, but this island has much more to offer you. You can not only enjoy luxury resorts , but also history and culture.

Its beaches are ideal for surfing, as they register waves of more than three meters high. A dream for lovers of this sport! And if not, you will love taking a bath in its paradisiacal waters, discovering its rice fields and visiting its heart-stopping natural corners, such as the Tanggedu waterfall.

6. Sulawesi

Silawesi – Fabio Lamanna

It may be one of the least known islands in the world, but it is incredible. Another of Indonesia’s hidden treasures. Here the beaches have direct access to the tropical forests that populate it, allowing you to walk through the jungle while you tan.

If there is something that catches the attention of this island, it is its four protected marine parks, which will delight lovers of diving and snorkeling. Due to its enormous amount of corals and other riches of the sea, the color of its waters is an intense turquoise that will make you fall in love.

They are some of the least known islands in the world, true treasures to discover. You already have a wide variety of more destinations to add to your list of next places to visit.

The most beautiful islands in the world: discover paradise

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