Traveling Abroad: 7 Things To Keep In Mind

If you are going to travel to other countries, it is convenient that you prepare everything very well, from the documentation to an itinerary with the places you want to visit.
Traveling abroad: 7 things to keep in mind

We know you are crazy about travel, but perhaps your circumstances have never allowed you to travel outside of your country. But if you are now thinking of crossing borders, do not worry, we are going to tell you everything you have to take into account to travel abroad.

What a thrill! You will finally be able to leave your country and venture into a new culture and perhaps a new language. However, keep these tips in mind before traveling abroad :

1. Have the documentation in order

Travel documentation

Your identity document and passport must be in order, and the latter is recommended to be valid for at least six months. Even if you travel through the EU and are a citizen of the EU, even if you don’t need it, we recommend having it.

That way, while you are sightseeing, you can take one ID with you and leave the other at the hotel. This would come in handy in case your bag gets lost or stolen, and could save you a lot of headaches that could end up ruining your trip.

2. Before traveling abroad, know details of the country

Japanese food
Alberto Gambardella /

Each country has its rules, and making sure you know them will be essential to enjoy your trip and not turn into a nightmare. The first thing is to catch up on customs, especially if you are going to travel to distant countries.

It is also convenient to know whether or not you will have to pay an entrance tax, the type of plugs that are available to carry an adapter from home, the currency and where you can get the best change, and the language, of which it would be recommended that you learn some basic words that may be of use to you.

3. Take health insurance

Emergency poster
Oscar F. Hevia /

You never know what can happen, but it is better to be cautious. A doctor’s visit or a night in the hospital can cost you a fortune. If you have medical insurance, which you can easily and cheaply hire for the stay of your trip, you will save all those problems.

If you are a citizen of the European Union and you are going to travel to any of the countries that make it up, you can apply for the European Health Card. It is a document that guarantees health care during your temporary stay. It is free and can be easily requested online or at Social Security offices, in the case of Spain.

4. Find out if you need vaccinations

There are many countries where some vaccinations are mandatory. In fact, if you do not present a medical certificate that you have them at the airport, they will not let you pass and will make you return home. One of the best ways to find out is by visiting the website of the embassy of the country you are traveling to or by making a phone call.

5. Know your rights

Rome airports: Fiumicino
Fiumicino Airport – Philip Mallis /

You already know that inconveniences can occur in the means of transport, such as delays or other problems over which you have prevailing rights. For example, if your flight is delayed for more than three hours, not only do they have to give you another flight, but they have to pocket you the amount you paid plus compensation.

If your luggage is lost, you can also claim and they must pay you in full for what you were carrying. And, if they cause damage or break your suitcase, they have to give you one or, if it is of less quality, pay the cost of yours.

6. Prepare your mobile

We were all happy when we learned that we can use calls and data with the same cost throughout the European Union, but if you do not live there or are going to travel to another country, keep in mind that roaming is very expensive. If you want to have Internet access on your trip, find out which lines offer it and where you can get a card.

7. Organize your trip well

Travel abroad, woman with a map

Getting around a new place, with unfamiliar transport and language can be a nightmare if it is not well organized. Take some time to organize everything before traveling abroad. Find out where the points of interest are, how to get to them and where you will start and end so you do not go around aimlessly.

Think about which places you would like to eat and which ones are suitable for your pocket. There are very useful apps that can help in this work. And speaking of applications, download some maps or a GPS that does not need an Internet connection to help you on your way.

If you follow these tips before traveling abroad, your getaway will go smoothly and you will enjoy every second. Good trip!

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