Traveling To Punta Cana, What Is The Best Time?

Punta Cana is one of the great Caribbean destinations. A place of paradisiacal beaches where the weather is always pleasant.
Traveling to Punta Cana, what is the best time?

Traveling to Punta Cana is the dream of many, it is one of the most sought after paradisiacal destinations. Its beaches, its people and its good weather are just some of the attractions of this wonderful part of the Dominican Republic. But what is the best time to travel there and enjoy it at its best?

The weather in the country is stable throughout the year, so practically at any time you will have a good temperature. Still, there are always times better than others. Today we give you some tips so that you can choose the ideal time to travel to Punta Cana and let yourself fall in love with it.

Travel to Punta Cana: seasons

Beach in Punta Cana
Beach in Punta Cana

In Punta Cana we can find three seasons. The discharge is from October to March, approximately. The decline lasts from April to September. And the third season, which we could call medium, covers the months between October and February.

The most expensive prices, both for airplanes and accommodation, are concentrated in the months of June, July and August, when they receive the most visitors. We also find peaks at Christmas time, from December 20 until after Three Kings Day.

The season with intermediate prices is found at Easter, May and September. Finally, the cheapest time to travel to Punta Cana is in the months after and before the high season.

Winter (in the northern hemisphere), is the time preferred by many, since it allows you to escape the cold and enjoy the beach in the middle of January. Therefore, the months when it is cheapest to go to Punta Cana are spring. But they are the least popular.

On the other hand, it is not highly recommended to go in August, since the local schools are closed and the influx on the beaches is much higher.

The weather in Punta Cana

Bavaro Beach in Punta Cana
Bavaro Beach

As we said before, the weather in Punta Cana is pleasant practically 12 months of the year. The Dominican Republic has a tropical climate. There are numerous microclimates and temperatures vary between 27 and 30º in summer and never drop below 20 in winter.

The humidity in the area is higher than in other parts of the world.  However, this is offset by the breeze that blows from the ocean.

The most pleasant time to go is the one that runs from October to February. At this time, the humidity is much lower than the rest of the year and the nights are warmer.

On the other hand, during the summer months, the humidity and temperatures are much higher, so it may not be the best option. Although, of course, it all depends on each personal taste.

The hurricane season

Beach in Punta Cana
Beach in Punta Cana

When traveling to Punta Cana, you only have to be especially careful in the hurricane season. These are formed when the temperature is very high and the necessary humidity conditions exist.

So, with such constant temperatures, the probability of hurricanes at any time of the year is there, but especially between June and November. The best probabilities occur during the month of September.

Other important dates

Travel to Punta Cana, image of the Caribbean
Punta Cana

As we have already mentioned, during the month of August the local schools close. For this reason, many children in the area fill the beaches, of course. So if you are looking for a haven of peace, at that moment you may not find it.

The influx also increases considerably during the New Year and Easter holidays, as well as during Carnival. So these are not the best times to relax in Punta Cana, either.

Punta Cana is a perfect destination for families, but it is also the preferred destination for students to celebrate their end-of-year trip. These usually travel during the months of February or March, so the party and student revelry are present at all times. You have to consider this!

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