‘Trekking’ In Patagonia: One Of The Most Beautiful Places

Going on a ‘trek’ requires good equipment and good physical shape, but in return, it offers views of some of the most beautiful landscapes on Earth.
'Trekking' in Patagonia: one of the most beautiful places

Do trekking in Patagonia can be the experience of a lifetime. Wild landscapes, great mountains, glaciers, forests, the most untamed and precious nature… All this and much more awaits us on these routes through one of the most beautiful and also most brutal regions left on the planet.

Tips for a trek in Patagonia

Giving advice for trekking in Patagonia could be the subject of an extensive article, but we will be brief. This is an activity in high mountains and in a hostile environment. So you must always be well equipped, accompanied by expert guides and be in appropriate physical shape for the tour.

And besides that, you have to prepare the itinerary. So, for you to choose the one that motivates you the most, here are some of the best trekking routes in Patatonia:

Torres del Paine

Torres del Paine, a place for trekking in Patagonia
Torres del Paine

A true classic of trekking in Patagonia is the one that takes us to the Torres del Paine National Park, in Chilean territory. In fact, there are several routes there, among which the famous W. This itinerary, of about 5 days and 80 kilometers, will take us to the Torres del Paine themselves, the French Valley and the Gray Glacier. Impressive!

Another trekking route within the national park is the so-called prehistoric route. An itinerary that from Punta Arnas will take us along the Serrano River, Las Motos and El Jote lagoons, Brush Lake and the Serrano Glacier. Finally, the prehistoric shelters of the Milodon cave and Cerro Benítez will be visited.

500 kilometers of Andean Footprint

This other route, in reality, allows you to do several trekking through Patagonia, since there are numerous sections to make up a long itinerary of 500 kilometers through the Argentine provinces of Chubut, Río Negro and Neuquén.

Doing it in full is very long, but in parts it is very appetizing. You can always look for low-difficulty itineraries with stops in perfectly equipped areas to enjoy ecotourism.

Fitz Roy, a trekking classic in Patagonia

Cerro Fitz Roy
Cerro Fitz Roy

We continue in Argentina for this other trekking proposal in Patagonia. It is about reaching the city of El Chaltén and from there taking a tour at the foot of the impressive Fitz Roy mountain. It is a granite mass of 3405 meters of great beauty. To contemplate it in all its fullness, the best thing is to do this 12-kilometer route to its base, and then return to the town.

The Hanging Snowdrift

Queulat National Park in Chile
Queulat National Park

Despite the suggestive place name, this route through the Queulat National Park in Chile is quite simple compared to others mentioned before. Above all, if we only get to the viewpoint from which you can see the impressive glacier that hangs from the mountain and from which waterfalls of frozen water emerge and, unfortunately, also blocks of ice due to the unstoppable climate change.

Alto Biobío

Now we propose a tour of several days through the Queuco Valley, in the middle of the Andean steppe. The truth is that the possibilities of tours through this area of ​​the country are various and can take you to places such as the Lajay lagoon, the slopes of the Callaqui volcano or the town of Pewenches.

The Esmeralda lagoon, a unique trekking route in Patagonia

Esmeralda Lagoon
Esmeralda Lagoon

A mythical place in Argentine Patagonia is the southern city of Ushuaia, a point from which some truly impressive journeys can be undertaken. And one of them is the trekking that takes us to the Esmeralda lagoon. A path for which you have to go perfectly equipped, since it is usual for the entire route, as well as the lagoon, to be frozen.

Perito Moreno Glacier

And it would be unforgivable to talk about trekking in Patagonia and not mention the journey to the Perito Moreno glacier. More than a trek, the vast majority of visitors make a small excursion. But it is more than enough to be able to feel all the force of nature embodied in these incredible blocks of ice. An experience that no one traveling to Patagonia should miss.

Tips for visiting the Perito Moreno glacier

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