Valderrobres, One Of The Most Beautiful Towns In Teruel

Valderrobres, one of the most beautiful towns in Teruel

Valderrobres is on the list of the association The most beautiful towns in Spain. It is not surprising. Added to the importance of its historical complex is its location, in the heart of the Matarraña region, Spanish Tuscany. If you want to know more about this beautiful municipality, do not stop reading.

What to visit in Valderrobres

To access the historic center of Valderrobres, you have to cross a medieval bridge over the Matarraña river and cross the San Roque portal. The entrance could not be more spectacular. As you progress through its streets, you will discover other treasures such as the parish church of Santa María la Mayor, in the Levantine Gothic style.

Valderrobres Palace
Valderrobres Palace – giborn_134 /

The church is considered a Site of Cultural Interest, as is the 16th century Town Hall, inspired by that of Alcañiz; and the castle, whose exact origin is unknown. The latter was built around a fortified natural rock to serve as a defensive element. Its location, crowning the town, has made it one of its most characteristic features.

At the foot of the castle is the palace. Between the two there is a communication tunnel that was probably secret. Likewise, the palace is one of the oldest constructions that Valderrobres has and today it serves to house projects of community interest.

Other prominent buildings are the town hall, mannerist style; the Casa de los Moles,  a manor house arranged between party walls with a whitewashed ashlar façade; or the Serret bookstore, a cultural and literary reference, specialized in authors who wrote part of their work in the area.

Traditions and gastronomy of Valderrobres

View of Valderrobres
Valderrobres – Felix /

Every year Valderrobles celebrates its traditional festivals, among which the one dedicated to its patron: San Antonio Abad stands out. This takes place on January 17 and begins with the “folding”, by which mayordomos and fifths walk the streets of the municipality requesting the collaboration of neighbors with products that will later be auctioned.

On the same day a lunch is made roasting longaniza and chorizo in a bonfire lit in the square of the Autonomous Community of Aragon. In addition, from the house of one of the butlers, the procession leaves carrying blessed bread and in procession with the saint to the Parish Church of Santa María la Mayor, where mass is celebrated. And then the animals are blessed.

Regarding its gastronomy, the town is characterized above all by its meat products : baked lamb, kid, pickled partridge, quail or rabbit. There is also no shortage of sausages such as blood sausage or sausage. And to sweeten the palate, nothing better than trying one of their desserts: carquiñols, casquetas or crespells, crenellated, sleeping bread …

The natural environment

This municipality of Teruel is part of the Matarraña region, considered by many to be Spanish Tuscany. One of the reasons for this comparison is the beautiful stone villages that stand in the middle of nature. In addition, its proximity to the Mediterranean or the large number of olive trees that make up the landscape of the area should be considered.

Matarraña River in Valderrobres
Matarraña River – PepeLuz /

Matarraña offers numerous possibilities for visitors to enjoy its beauty. Here you can take  hiking or cycling routes, one of the best known being the Vía Verde de la Val de Zafá. And you can also practice  more risky sports such as canyoning, since its  rugged and rugged orography is ideal for it.

Valderrobres also stands out for having in its surroundings the Els Ports Natural Park, declared a Biosphere Reserve of the Ebro Lands. Its highest areas are populated by pine forests, while in the lower ones there are holm oaks. Among the fauna, the most emblematic animal is the mountain goat.

Another park to escape to is La Tinença de Benifassà, which is part of the Ports of Beceite. In it, the diversity of environments is very great, so we can find a great variety of natural habitats: freshwater, temperate heaths and scrublands, herbaceous formations, rocky habitats, forests …

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