We Discover Chile, A Country Full Of Surprises

We discover Chile, a country full of surprises

Located in the southwest of Latin America we find Chile, one of the most advanced countries in the region, whose natural beauties will take your breath away. Travel and discover with us this magnificent country and know which are those places that you cannot miss on your next trip to Chile.

Chile: history and culture in one place

1. Valparaíso

Valparaíso is one of the most famous cities in Chile, it is the second most populated and home to important government bodies such as the National Congress, the Council for Culture and the Arts or the Undersecretary of Fisheries.

Valparaíso in Chile
Valparíso – Pierre-Yves Babelon

Valparaíso is one of the cities with the most history and architectural wealth in Chile. In fact, its historic center was declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 2003.

There are many historical places to visit in Valparaíso:  the Matriz church, the Valparaíso Stock Exchange building, the Turri Clock, the Houses of Great Britain Avenue in Playa Ancha and the El Mercurio building, among many others.

2. Frutillar

This small city, located on the edge of Lake Llanquihue, is extremely special for its strong German heritage, for that same reason it was declared a typical area, which seeks to protect and preserve its heritage values.

Frutillar in Chile
Frutillar – sunsinger

In Frutillar you can find one of the most important artistic and cultural centers in the country:  the Teatro del Lago. A center that receives more than 150,000 people annually, who can enjoy a wide variety of activities throughout the year.

3. Land of Fire

This Chilean province is the largest island in the country with an area of ​​more than 29,000 square kilometers. This wonderful natural paradise is one of the most unknown places on our planet and, therefore, one of the most intact.

Patagonia of Chile
Land of Fire – Idan Ben Haim

We can guarantee that you will be completely in love with the natural beauty of Tierra del Fuego. Some of the routes that you cannot miss are: the wood route, the ranch route, the glaciers, the Selkman route and the Darwin route. Without a doubt, this is one of the great paradises of Chile that you must discover.

Chile, a country that falls in love

4. San Pedro de Atacama

In the middle of the desert appears this wonderful oasis better known as San Pedro de Atacama. The extraordinary beauty of this place is an inspiration to many professional and amateur photographers around the world.

San Pedro de Atacama in Chile
SanPedro de Atacama – yunning

Natural contrasts are present in this part of the region, on the one hand we can see the smooth plains that end in dreaded volcanoes and, on the other, the white salty lagoons whose formation is due to the underground waters of the place.

San Pedro de Atacama is one of the favorite destinations for both local and foreign tourists. In one place, the desert landscape is mixed with archaeological interest, all this under an extensive and excellent hotel and gastronomic offer, so that the stay of tourists is extremely comfortable.

5. Santiago de Chile

The capital of the country is one of the Latin American cities with the highest quality of life in the region. Santiago de Chile is a beautiful metropolis with spectacular skyscrapers, a wide gastronomic offer and an excellent cultural scene.

The imposing and majestic Andes mountain range is the backdrop to this magnificent city that captivates locals and foreigners alike. Santiago is also a very interesting city for history lovers, since it maintains and conserves its entire historic center very well.

Santiago de Chile
Santiago de Chile – Pablo Rogat

Santiago de Chile has many magnificent places that you cannot miss: the Palacio de la Moneda, the Plaza de Armas de Santiago, the National Museum of Fine Arts, the Cerro San Cristóbal, the Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art, the Costanera Center and much more.

Chile is one of those countries that has it all: incredible natural beauty, delicious cuisine, and modern cities. Without a doubt, it is one of the most complete tourist destinations in Latin America and knowing it can be one of the best decisions you can make. And you, would you like to get to know Chile? Which of these places would you like to visit first?

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