We Visit The Serengeti National Park In Tanzania

We visit the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania

Africa is one of the unknown continents for many people. Many travelers opt for other destinations before thinking about this continent rich in fauna and flora and wonderful beaches. The Serengeti National Park is a sample of all the treasures that Africa holds. Do you want to come with us to know it?

To give you an idea, we will only tell you that this is a park that has an area greater than that of Navarra, in total about 14,763 kmĀ². And in addition, it borders the most famous park in Kenya, the Masai Mara. Let’s learn more about this exuberant place.

Serengeti National Park , a trip to nature

This park has become famous for the herds of different species that go to the Masai Mara from July to October. We can imagine the spectacle that is created, since, for example, about 8,000 wildebeest are born every year, which makes clear the amount of fauna in this park.

Migration in the Serengeti National Park
Migration in the Serengeti – DongDongdog

It seems that one of its greatest attractions is the kopjes, rock formations that have existed since before there was life on earth and that create a landscape unmatched on another side of the world.

It has been the protagonist of dozens of documentaries for its rich fauna and flora. Lions, cheetahs, elephants, zebras, wildebeest, giraffes and many more are the animals that can be found here, observed closely and recorded with a camera.

So that you can only get closer to imagining the number of animals that can live in this place, we can tell you that, for example, it is estimated that there are two hundred thousand zebras in the Serengeti National Park. Imagine what the rest of the species will add up to!

What to see and do in Serengeti National Park

Ngorongoro is a dormant volcano crater and one of the largest volcanic calderas on the planet. Covered by vegetation, from this place you will appreciate spectacular views wherever you look.

Ngorondoro Crater in Serengeti National Park
Ngorongoro – John Keselyak

Going in the dry season is one of the best options to visit this wonder of nature, since Tanzania is a rainy country almost all year round. Of course, the colors of the park will not be so beautiful, but you can enjoy it for longer. The country’s dry season coincides with the European summer.

You will see all kinds of animals in freedom, whether they are lions, ostriches, giraffes, wildebeest … Just follow the recommendations of the locals and professionals of the place so that there is no accident. Although the animals that live in the park are very used to seeing tourists and cars, a bad reaction on the part of some could happen. Do not skip the rules that mark you.

You can camp inside the park if you want. You will not have luxuries but you will be in the middle of nature. Quiet, there are fenced areas where animals can hardly reach.

The colors and lights of the park

Sunrise in the Serengeti National Park
Sunrise in Serengeti – tr3gin

Seeing the sunrise in this park is a must, even if it costs you an early start. You will have already seen dozens of images of the sunrises in Africa, as many are from this park.

And, to contemplate all the beauty of the park, nothing like doing it aboard a balloon. The dawn lights are spectacular, as are the colors of the Serengeti when you wake up – a spectacle, without a doubt, worth seeing.

Tips when going to the Serengeti National Park

The best time of year to go to the Serengeti is between the months of December and June.  Even if you have to endure some rain, you can enjoy seeing the crossing of the wildebeest herds by the Grumeti River.

Animals in Serengeti
Serengeti National Park – Vaclav Sebek

To get to the park from Tanzania you will only have to take a plane in Arusha, which will take you very close to the park for the price of about 125 euros. Do not forget to take out travel insurance for what may happen and wear light cotton clothing, as this country is warm all year round.

Do you dare to live a different experience in the Serengeti National Park? Well, take note and prepare your next vacation, you will not forget them.

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