What To See In The Palacio De Bellas Artes De México

On the outside, the Palacio de Bellas Artes is magnificent, but inside you can visit amazing spaces dedicated to different artistic manifestations.
What to see in the Palace of Fine Arts of Mexico

Mexico is the cradle of cultures and civilizations, but beyond its archaeological sites, its cities also hide wonderful monuments. On this occasion, we are going to the capital to show you what you can see in the Palacio de Bellas Artes de México, an imposing building with enormous wealth inside that you cannot miss. 

The Palace of Fine Arts of Mexico

This imposing building is the first opera in the country and has been a World Heritage Site since 1987. The works represented in it do not envy those that can be seen in the most renowned theaters in the world. Figures of the stature of María Callas, Luciano Pavarotti or the dancer Rudolf Nureyev have passed through its stage.

Palace of Fine Arts of Mexico
Palace of Fine Arts – Felix Lipov

Its architecture is impressive. Seeing it from the outside is already a privilege, but inside the show continues … Never better said! And it is much more than a lyrical theater, since it also houses an interesting museum of plastic arts, among other spaces.

The Palace of Fine Arts was inaugurated in 1934. A construction that has a spectacular façade, crowned by a majestic dome. It took 30 years to build and occupies a good part of four main streets of the city.

Seen from above, it stands out among the tumult and the agglomeration of low houses of the enormous Aztec capital. Its interior still holds many surprises for you that we are going to tell you about.

What to see in the Palace of Fine Arts of Mexico

There is much to see at the Palacio de Bellas Artes. It is considered the great cultural space of Mexico City and, by extension, of the country. Inside this building there are museums and rooms that you can visit and that will expand your artistic culture, in addition to making you have a good day.

These are some of the places you have to see at the Palacio de Bellas Artes.  Places that, in some cases, will surprise you a lot.

Main hall

Main hall of the Palace of Fine Arts of Mexico
Main Hall – Asosiacionaires.com / commons.wikimedia.org

It has a capacity for almost 1,400 spectators and a 24-meter stage on which the best works of lyric have been performed by great opera figures.

But if there is something that stands out, it is the curtain, an impressive crystal curtain made by Tifanny and with more than a million pieces of glass. A curtain that draws the Valley of Mexico and its imposing volcanoes, a luxury for the eyes.

Adamo Boari Room

Lobby of the Palace of Fine Arts of Mexico
Lobby – Jesús Fernández García / Flickr.com

Under the lobby of the main room is this room, smaller, with just 180 seats. In it lectures are given or small exhibitions and editorial news are presented. We say small because they are not as visited as others, but they are no less important for that.

Manuel Ponce Room

It is the second largest room. Operas, musicals and other art-related activities take place there. It has capacity for 250 people and its name pays homage to the Mexican composer that gives it its name.

The museums

They are spaces that you must see in the Palace of Fine Arts. On the third level you will find the National Museum of Architecture, which has, among other objectives, to raise awareness about the need to preserve the rich architectural heritage of the country.

Diego Rivera mural in Mexico's Palace of Fine Arts
Diego Rivera Mural – Jeanne Menjoulet / Flickr.com

You can also visit the Museum of the Palace of Fine Arts, a space dedicated to the exhibition of works by both national and international artists. In addition, it exhibits 17 magnificent murals by seven national artists of the stature of Diego Rivera, Rufino Tamayo or David Alfaro Siqueiros, made between 1928 and 1963.

And, of course, something you must see at the Palacio de Bellas Artes de México is one of the shows that are presented there. It will be a unique experience that perhaps never again in your life will you be able to have within reach.

As you can see, the Palace of Fine Arts is much more than a magnificent building.  It is a place where you can enjoy all kinds of cultural events. Don’t think about it and take a tour of this huge and significant place.

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