What To Visit In Lyon, A City Full Of Charm

Lyon is one of the most beautiful French cities. With a long history, it is full of wonderful corners that we are going to discover.
What to visit in Lyon, a city full of charm

Thinking of traveling to France? Would you like to know one of the most important cities? In that case, stay with us! We will explain what to visit in Lyon, one of the most beautiful European cities. Cinematographic place of worship and capital of silk. A magical environment full of history and curiosities bathed by the Rhone.

Lyon, a unique city

View of Lyon
Lyon – Martin M303

The city of Lyon is a magical place declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. In fact, it is one of the European cities that offers the most different plans. In addition to its great monuments and incredible historical areas, it has really unique and very original museums. Although simply walking through its historic center is a fantastic plan.

The truth is that, after Paris and Marseille, this is the French city with the most inhabitants. In addition, it is one of the most important metropolises in France. And it has a very long history, because in ancient times Lyon was the capital of the Three Roman Gaul.

What to visit in Lyon : its monuments

From its long past Lyon preserves marvelous buildings. We are going to teach you the most important ones.

Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière

Notre Dame de Fourvière in Lyon
Notre Dame de Fourvière – Davizro Photography

Lyon has one of the most impressive and best-preserved basilicas in all of France: the Notre-Dame de Fourvière basilica. It is located at the top of Vieux Lyon, “ Old Lyon” in Spanish, one of the most popular environments given its medieval architecture and Renaissance mansions.

We owe its design to the same creator of the Sacré Coeur basilica in Paris. From the outside we can see its Romanesque and Byzantine architecture. Inside we can see numerous works of art along its walls covered in paint and gold. In addition, it has the crypt of San José, beautiful stained glass windows and incredible mosaics.

And, being at the top of Fourvière hill, the views from the top of the basilica are unique, from there we will enjoy a spectacular perspective of the entire city. And, very close, some of the most important Roman remains, such as the theater and the odeon.

Lyon Cathedral

Lyon Cathedral
Lyon Cathedral – RossHelen

The Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist is another of the monuments that must be visited in Lyon. A work of art that mixes the Romanesque and Gothic styles. It is located in the historic center. Its construction began in the 12th century, however, it was not finished until the 14th.

Its facade has a rose window and two towers, its architecture reminds us of the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral. The vaults and the stained glass windows that we can see from the inside create a unique atmosphere.

In addition, it  has a 14th century astronomical clock that indicates the date, the position of the Moon, the Sun, the Earth and the stars over Lyon. Various figures, animals and characters move to represent the Assumption.

2. What to visit in Lyon: charming places

Strolling through Lyon you will find wonderful corners. These are only some of them:

Vieux Lyon

Vieux Lyon
Vieux Lyon – Sander van der Werf

One of the most charming places in all of Lyon. Its medieval architecture and Renaissance-style mansions create a unique, rural and ancient atmosphere. It is made up of three different neighborhoods:

  • Saint-Georges, to the south
  • Saint-Jean in the center
  • Saint-Paul, to the north

Bellecour Square

Bellecour Square, one of the places to visit in Lyon
Bellecour Square – IMG Stock Studio

Another thing to visit in Lyon is the great Place de Bellecour. It is located in the central part of the city, once we cross the Rhone by one of the bridges we will arrive at this beautiful square. Once there, we will see signs to the historic center and the various neighborhoods of Lyon.

The greatest attraction that we can enjoy in the Place Bellecour is the great Ferris wheel of Lyon, which is illuminated with different colors and shapes. In addition, from there we can see the beautiful basilica in the distance.

Parc de la Tête d’Or

It is the great urban park of Lyon. Inside we can find different gardens with various plant decoration. Among them, we can visit the great botanical garden of the city. We will also see various buildings and large greenhouses, a velodrome or a country house, among other places.

In short, if we wanted to define Lyon we would use the words “elegant” and “unique”, since its buildings, monuments, squares and museums show an original and very attractive charm.

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