Which Seat Is Safest In An Airplane

Which seat is safest inside an airplane

Have you ever stopped to think about which seat is safest in an airplane ? In fact, if you consult with experts on these topics, they will tell you that there are not some that are better than others. However, if we look at the statistics, we can see a trend according to mortality in accidents that occurred in recent years.

The safest seat on an airplane

We are going to echo an investigation published and produced by the popular and prestigious Time magazine. In it, they wondered about the safest seat in an airplane.

To find out the answer, they  were made with the results of 17 accidents that had taken place during fifteen years and that were recorded in the database of the FAA, the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States, specifically, between 1985 and 2000:

  • According to the results of the Time magazine study, the middle zone is the most dangerous for traveling by plane, since the mortality rate registered in air accidents is 39%. Quite high, without a doubt.
  • Next, and always taking into account the statistics of the accidents studied, the front area is the second most unsafe when traveling by plane, as the mortality rate rises to 38%. There are no great variations with the results of the middle part.
  • The safest seat inside an airplane, according to Time magazine studies, is in the rear area, since the mortality rate in this part of the air vehicle is only 32%, somewhat lower than in the parts previously mentioned.
Flying over Shanghai
Flying over Shanghai – chungking

What seat to choose in an airplane?

The study carried out by Time magazine also takes some extra steps when it comes to locating which seat is safest on an airplane. Obviously, as everyone will know, it usually goes in rows of three at a time, with a corridor between each trio. Which of them is better to have a chance of survival? Which one should you never sit on ?

  • According to the mortality rate, the most dangerous seat in an airplane would be close to the aisle and is located in the middle of the aerial vehicle. In this part there are 44% of the total victims who lost their lives in an accident.
  • If we look at the statistics produced by the study, the safest seat in an airplane is located in the back area, between the window seat and the aisle seat. On those sites, the percentage drops to 28%. Without a doubt, it is the one with the least chance of perishing, although in an air accident, it is never easy to survive.
Interior of an airplane
Passengers by plane – Dundanim

Which seat is safest in an airplane according to the circumstances

As is logical, the circumstances of a plane crash are basic to know the chances of survival that the passenger has. If we ask ourselves which seat is safest inside an airplane, we must observe the accumulation of situations that occur depending on the place where an accident occurs.

It is logical to think that people who are sitting near the exit doors have a greater chance of survival. According to the University of Greenwich, which conducted a study related to this issue in 2008, this fact is real, so it is not at all a bad idea to reserve a seat in the back and near these places.

That said, the chances of surviving on an airplane, whatever seat we are in, are never high. However, if it is the front that takes a good part of the impact, it is clear that the rear will be more likely to escape unscathed, and vice versa.

View from the airplane window
Landscape from the heights – iamzereus

Be that as it may, it is obvious, if we look at the statistics, that air travel is the safest there is, since the chances of dying in an accident during your life are very low if we compare them with other automotive means:

  • Dying in a car accident: 1 chance in 112.
  • Dying in a motorcycle accident: 1 chance in 900.
  • Dying in a plane crash: 1 chance in 8,000.

Obviously, we use the car much more than the plane, of course. So, don’t be afraid to fly and enjoy a great, wonderful and safe experience, although it never hurts to choose the best seat.

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